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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick tape

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Can you use stick tape that you wrap the blade with as handle tape? or would it be better to use stuff that was made specifically for handles?

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I use standard hockey tape for the blade and the handle. I didn't like using the grip/handle tape because it got all bunched up. But I barely tape the thing anyway; my knob is miniscule.

Should I have admitted that?

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Can you use stick tape that you wrap the blade with as handle tape? or would it be better to use stuff that was made specifically for handles?

id say it depends on what kind of tape you use on your stick. i use a takimac command grip, but it just depends on what tape u use. i wouldnt put the really stick tape on my handle, but possibly on the blade

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I use black electrical tape on the handle of my stick. It doesn't tear up the palms of my gloves and works great. I started to use friction tape on my blade but it seems that I am retaping my blade after every time that I skate because it doesn't hold up as well as regular cloth tape.

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I use black electrical tape on the handle of my stick. It doesn't tear up the palms of my gloves and works great. I started to use friction tape on my blade but it seems that I am retaping my blade after every time that I skate because it doesn't hold up as well as regular cloth tape.

using stick wax can help your tape problem, especially if it is due to water damage

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Other threads on MSH have discussed stick handle tape.

The glue in tape - any kind of tape - is what breaks down/ wears down the palm of your gloves.

For that reason I've switched up to using the taci-mac grip (or similar products) for the stick handle.

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I butter my blade up with blade butter but it just doesn't seem to make it any stronger.

Chikin, please sort out my ignorance here, if you don't mind.

What's blade butter? Is it a brand name of a stick wax or something different?

thx much

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1" Renfrew. White for the butt-ends (nine layers on top, then two layers going down about 3" below that) and black on the blades, a couple inches off the heel then all the way to the toe. Mr. Zog's Sex Wax (which has been much easier to get my hands on since it's arrival at Great Skate). I then use a heat-gun to melt the wax into the tape, wait for it to dry, then rub another layer on-top of that.

When I get new sticks (I usually buy in twos or threes, sometimes more), it usually takes about an hour to get each twig situated and ready for practice. If I'm just re-taping/waxing a blade, it takes about 20 minutes to a half-hour.

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blade butter IS a type of stickwax, it comes in a push up container and usually is scented

The container it comes in kind of looks like a small deodorant container. It is kind of softer than regular parafin wax. It goes on really smooth and smells like pineapples. :rolleyes:

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I use a thing called bladetape for my blade- it's actually not tape, but a synthetic rubber pad that is applied to the back and front of the blade 1/8" from the bottom of the blade. It acts like a cusion and holds the puck nicely, it is also devoid of ice when playing. It also has a weaved construction for extra dampening, and comes in various colours. It is a great product!

For my top hand, I originally used a small knob of tape and nothing else, because of the grip on my stick (Warrior Mac Daddy). Then I bought one of the short taki-macs, and hated it because it is so built up and thick, and I noticed the long ones were much thinner. So i cut it up to the nob and left it like my original, exept this is rubber...

Now I have some Oggie ergos coming in the mail to try out, they look quite innovative... No matter how much everyone laughed on my team when I told them what I was getting... :lol:

For bladetape info visit www.bladetape.ca

Oggie grips- www.oggiegrip.com

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Tacki mac grip, and Andover black tape for my blade, I prefer the Black Andover tape with the yellow ring, not the white one, because it does not let tape residue on the side of the tape, if you guys know what I mean.

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Andover black tape for my blade, I prefer the Black Andover tape with the yellow ring, not the white one, because it does not let tape residue on the side of the tape, if you guys know what I mean.

Tape residue - do you mean that annoying strip of tape that breaks off the edge and the dangling threads are a pain in the butt, plus it becomes impossible to get a smooth edge?

I haven't found a roll of tape yet that didn't eventually do that. If there IS a brand of cloth tape that stays together from start to finish, let me know because I want to get it.

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