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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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two warranty questions

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alright, first off i bought an 05 stealth grip from my LHS and then broke it within the warranty period. They sent me back the same one, a new one and i broke it within the first 15 minutes of practice. If i call them and tell them what happen will they or might they send me a new one, they did before for a shaft but i dont know if they would do it again? As for my second question i bought an easton ST the blue one and further noticed it said replacement on it.. and its a stick right off the rack of the store.. what if i break it.. is the warranty still valid or are they gonna think im using one of my old OPS to send it in for my new one that broke?

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On the Stealth, it never hurts to call and ask. On the ST, I'd say you'll be SOL if that one breaks. Easton might be just a little skeptical getting a broken "Replacement" stick with a store receipt.

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If you bought your ST recently I'd take it back and show them. But then again, if you already got a really good deal on the ST, that's probably why it was so cheap.

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alright, first off i bought an 05 stealth grip from my LHS and then broke it within the warranty period. They sent me back the same one, a new one and i broke it within the first 15 minutes of practice. If i call them and tell them what happen will they or might they send me a new one, they did before for a shaft but i dont know if they would do it again? As for my second question i bought an easton ST the blue one and further noticed it said replacement on it.. and its a stick right off the rack of the store.. what if i break it.. is the warranty still valid or are they gonna think im using one of my old OPS to send it in for my new one that broke?

DId you pay full price for the one that said warranty replacement? If so, take it back to the store and tell them they sold you the wrong stick. That's not your fault. However, if you bought it off the sale rack, you are probably out of luck.

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alright, first off i bought an 05 stealth grip from my LHS and then broke it within the warranty period. They sent me back the same one, a new one and i broke it within the first 15 minutes of practice. If i call them and tell them what happen will they or might they send me a new one, they did before for a shaft but i dont know if they would do it again? As for my second question i bought an easton ST the blue one and further noticed it said replacement on it.. and its a stick right off the rack of the store.. what if i break it.. is the warranty still valid or are they gonna think im using one of my old OPS to send it in for my new one that broke?

A shop selling "replacement" OPS as new? That is flat out wrong.

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