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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I thought I would keep you guys up to date on my rink that i'am making.

It doesn't look like much now but I promise you when i'am done this is going to be a beauty.

I have been putting the sprinkler out there and letting it get the snow nice and hard and once that is done I will begin to flood with a hose.

I have been doing this for 3 days now and I hope the rink to be done in about 2 weeks or so.

Post your comments and show some love.

Thanks Guys





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Well the ground is decently flat so I was just gonna unhook the sprinkler and put the hose and there and see how that goes

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Yah I was gonna ask the local outdoor rink maintaner what he does to insure a nice smooth surface

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I tried to make one in my backyard but it never froze, we now use it as a swimming pool. I thought with 6 feet of water and the extreme cold of the winter in Florida that it would make for a great rink... not the case. *sigh*

I wish I could go outside and skate :( damn northerners

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Yah I was gonna ask the local outdoor rink maintaner what he does to insure a nice smooth surface

if you use a big hose it will go faster and it does a great job, we use old firefighters hoses for our out door rink.

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where do you live that you can do this? i live in colorado and could never pull this off in a backyard. i have to rely on the ponds to freeze up solid. we've been anywhere from -10 to about 10 every night, so the ice here is good to skate on LIGHTLY right about now in a few spots. but yeah, let me know how this goes for you!

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I live in quebec, i have had a backyard rink for maybe ten years now. in the winter, it's almost always really cold at night. ill try to get some pics of my rink.

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So the rink is coming along absolutly fabulous,

In some spots it is becoming very nice and smooth.

I'am shooting for next wednesday to have it finished up.

I will probbaly give it a hot flood on thursday just to get rid the the bumps and such.

I will post some pics up tomorrow afternoon to show you how its coming along.

I hope to be putting up the boards sometime next week

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Oh my goodness. The area where you live (prolly behind your house) looks so beautiful. I would love to live there..... :( Now im sad

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Thats just on the outskirts of winnipeg, you should see the rest of Manitoba, i love my pond in the middle of no where

JUST??? Dude, i love snow, winter and stuff like that. I would love to go there some day. I mean forever. I will start to study soon, maybe i get a chance to study one semester in Canada

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Yeah Winnipeg doesn't have too much snow, my home town has about 2 feet already, little brothers have been snowmobiling for a few weekes now, they aren't too big into hockey so I don't know how my pond is, gonna have to wait til my exams are done to see.

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So the rink is coming along absolutly fabulous,

In some spots it is becoming very nice and smooth.

I'am shooting for next wednesday to have it finished up.

I will probbaly give it a hot flood on thursday just to get rid the the bumps and such.

I will post some pics up tomorrow afternoon to show you how its coming along.

I hope to be putting up the boards sometime next week

You should go all out and paint a Jets logo at centre ice...probably a little easier (and WAAAAY cooler) than a Moose logo.

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So the rink is coming along absolutly fabulous,

In some spots it is becoming very nice and smooth.

I'am shooting for next wednesday to have it finished up.

I will probbaly give it a hot flood on thursday just to get rid the the bumps and such.

I will post some pics up tomorrow afternoon to show you how its coming along.

I hope to be putting up the boards sometime next week

You should go all out and paint a Jets logo at centre ice...probably a little easier (and WAAAAY cooler) than a Moose logo.

I think a MSH logo would look pretty cool at center ice. Then instead of ads, the boards can have some of macks legendary quotes on them.

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