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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why not to dry out your equipment in the Garage

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;) Just thought i would share this little lesson I learned today....I play goalie at pick up the odd time...I lent my equipment out and and when the guy returned it I through it in the garage...Fast forward 3 weeks...I have a day off so I decide to go to pick up and play net.....after im dressed throw my mask on and something smells "funny" ...When the game begins I feel a some stuff fall out of my mask....figured it was some dirt...play for awhile and then look down and see brown spots in the crease...ITS F******G mouse shit!!....I cant quit cause that would screw up all the other guys so I drive on trying not to sweat...So grossed out...I actually went home and shaved my head and washed it in hydrogen peroxide. I couldnt make this up if I tried...lol just thought Id share that with all of you

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;) Just thought i would share this little lesson I learned today....I play goalie at pick up the odd time...I lent my equipment out and and when the guy returned it I through it in the garage...Fast forward 3 weeks...I have a day off so I decide to go to pick up and play net.....after im dressed throw my mask on and something smells "funny" ...When the game begins I feel a some stuff fall out of my mask....figured it was some dirt...play for awhile and then look down and see brown spots in the crease...ITS F******G mouse shit!!....I cant quit cause that would screw up all the other guys so I drive on trying not to sweat...So grossed out...I actually went home and shaved my head and washed it in hydrogen peroxide. I couldnt make this up if I tried...lol just thought Id share that with all of you

I hope you are a bald-headed guy, otherwise i cant see why you would shave your head cause of mouse poo.

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i had a similar situation - i left some of my goalie stuff in my garage, then when i had a game i put on the goalie glove and like 10 earwigs crawled out of the glove (minus the ones that i smooshed putting my hand in) i freaked out and threw my glove across the court - fortunately it was before a game and not during a game...

i have to kill every earwig i see in our house if i see one now - hate those suckers!!

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I am laughing sooo hard... :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is soooo gross. I feel your pain, had a similar incedent when I loaned out some gear involving cat pee. I thought I was going to puke!!! But had to press on, like you stated. I was freaked out as well. I think I would shave my hole body in your case. Cat pee really stinks, but there's not the rat disease factor, so I just scrubbed my hole body raw, and threw out the gear. It wasn't goalie gear. I think after you settle you nerves you should give somebody a severe beat down!!

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I had a similar deal with my equipment. I was pulling my gear on before a game and there was a dead mouse in one of the fingers of my gloves. I figure the smell killed him...

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This is making me cringe, i just took all my gear from the garage shook it all to make sure there was nothing untoard in there and put it in the house. Im pretty sure there are no mice in my garage but i wouldn't put it past my cats.

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one time between games i just threw my gear in the garage and opened it up to air it out. later that night when i brought it to the rink i went to get my gear out and at least 15 earwigs came out and were crawling around the locker room. luckly i hadnt put any gear on yet so i got the chance to shake it all out.

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A teammate keep his stuff out in the garage, and he lives out in the country too. Has a couple barn cats...and they like eating mice. One night, teammate drags his bag in, and reaches down to open it, and realizes there's cat yack allllll over his stuff. He about hurled when he saw a little paw on his stuff.

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im curious to know how many people have had their cat pee on their equipment. honestly it's happened to me a number of times and every time i take a step in the right direction to putting it out of their reach like buying one of those gear racks. it's awful arriving at a game and having people asking wtf is that smell and you know its your gear but you're embarrassed and then you have to play with it an entire game only to wait until you get home to wash it off off you as well as scrub the shit out of your equipment.

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im curious to know how many people have had their cat pee on their equipment. honestly it's happened to me a number of times and every time i take a step in the right direction to putting it out of their reach like buying one of those gear racks. it's awful arriving at a game and having people asking wtf is that smell and you know its your gear but you're embarrassed and then you have to play with it an entire game only to wait until you get home to wash it off off you as well as scrub the shit out of your equipment.

dude the only time i ever brought my stuff in and left it in the back hall my cat pissed all over it, like half a minute after i brought it in...needless to say whenever i brought it in afterwords i'd lock it in the bathroom

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yea I stopped leaving my stuff in the garage when I realized there were webs, spider eggs, and dead spiders all over the inside of my helmet. Bought a new helmet as well. I just couldn't get that scene from "arachnophobia" out of my mind when the guy is playing football, and a spider inside his helmet bites him in the head and kills him right during the game...that would be a shitty way to go out. So now it's inside the house!

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I don't have cats, but my dogs seem to love sleeping on my hockey pants. They curl right up on them and snore all night lol. I just shake/wipe off the hair before I put them away after they dry out. I need a gear rack.

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Cats love to use hockey equipment as a liter box. In my sanitizing business I can't tell you how many have come to me with that "problem".

Very common. If you have a cat, you may be a prime candidate for the shock dr power dry bag.

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We had a guy show up to a game with his cat hiding in his bag. He unzipped his bag and the cat leaped out. Scared him... and the cat, too. He just took the cat out to the car and left it there for the game. Apparently, it slept on or in his bag regularly, but this time was a stowaway.

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We had a guy show up to a game with his cat hiding in his bag. He unzipped his bag and the cat leaped out. Scared him... and the cat, too. He just took the cat out to the car and left it there for the game. Apparently, it slept on or in his bag regularly, but this time was a stowaway.

LMAO, absolute classic.

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Ive put a skate on and tied up.... to feel a beetle inside it, and ive had the occasional cricket in my bag. It always paranoid me that id miss one and be playing and feel it in my jock.

nothing compares to when i left my skates at the rink and when i got them back, some one had pissed in them... never did get the smell out, i just bought new skates.

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My cat pissed in the chin cup of my cage about 15mins before I had to leave for a game. By the by fabreeze in that situation only makes it smell like fabreezed cat piss... my coach kept giving me shit that the faster I skated the less I would smell it, too bad we were a horrible team and played most of the game in our own end. Only plus side was I got a lot of space on the bench when I was off.

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My cat pissed in the chin cup of my cage about 15mins before I had to leave for a game. By the by fabreeze in that situation only makes it smell like fabreezed cat piss... my coach kept giving me shit that the faster I skated the less I would smell it, too bad we were a horrible team and played most of the game in our own end. Only plus side was I got a lot of space on the bench when I was off.

yeah ive tried febreezing it and got the same results, if it was a chin cup i swear i wouldnt play tho, thats touching your mouth dude.

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My cat pissed in the chin cup of my cage about 15mins before I had to leave for a game. By the by fabreeze in that situation only makes it smell like fabreezed cat piss... my coach kept giving me shit that the faster I skated the less I would smell it, too bad we were a horrible team and played most of the game in our own end. Only plus side was I got a lot of space on the bench when I was off.

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that's funny!

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I'm pretty sure my neighbors cat peed on my stuff because I left my garage door open. Funny thing was I almost said to my teammates on the bench at pickup..."Who smells like cat piss?" I am glad that I didn't because when I returned home I realized it was mine :ph34r:

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You guys seriously need to get rid of the cat. I've specially trained my dog to NEVER go near my gear as well. She knows way better than to mess with my precious kit.

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