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Vote for Rory

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Hi folks. Have you heard of the Vote for Rory campaign?

Basically, an everyday NHL fan thought it would be fun to try to get a relativly unknown player voted to the all star game. As a lark he created a small website and started spreading the world.

Well, over 30,000 votes later, Rory Fitzpatrick is becoming a celebrity!





Here is a portion of a recent article about Rory-Mania:

Fitzpatrick, ever the good sport, is soaking it up.

“It’s kind of funny actually, there’s no other way to comment on it, I guess. I’ll just have fun with it and all the guys are having fun with it as you can see so just enjoy it and see what happens.â€

“My brother phoned me the other day and told me that he had got an email from a friend that came across the website and he got on it and called me. Every day since then I get a different phone call, a different email from friends back home or people around the league who are starting to see it."

"It’s obviously getting bigger and bigger so that’s how I heard about it. Markus (Naslund) came up to me yesterday and asked me about it so I’m basically just hearing things from other people.â€

The Canucks also enjoying the new-found publicity. The memorial “Vote For Rory†t-shirt - inspired by the Napoleon Dynamite movie - is already a hot item down at GM Place and is the gear of choice for trainers and players alike.

Apparently the shirts showed up mysteriously this morning but nobody’s talking.

“I have no idea, you’ll have to ask someone else,†said Willie Mitchell when asked where they came from.

“It’s great, everyone’s got their t-shirt today, it’s exciting. Hopefully he can get enough votes to get in. I haven’t voted yet but it’s the first thing I’m going to do when I get home, get on the internet and start voting. I don’t know how many times you can vote but I’m going to be on it all night.â€

Josh Green's excitement grew when he learned that he there’s no limit to the number of times he can vote.

“It’s unlimited? Then there’s my day then,†he says with a laugh.

Fitzpatrick won't be casting a ballot.

“I have enough trouble turning my computer on so I don’t have time to make websites or anything else - but it’s interesting.â€

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I think it started-off as a statement with the message being that fans should not be given the opportunity to pick the All-Star teams.

Apparently people are taking this campaign seriously/literally now, eh?

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I think it started-off as a statement with the message being that fans should not be given the opportunity to pick the All-Star teams.

Apparently people are taking this campaign seriously/literally now, eh?

Not sure I'd agree with you Tiger. From the website:



Q: Why Rory?

A: Good question. Everyone has their reasons for voting, but the general consensus is that Rory is the perfect representative for all the players who work hard "behind the scenes" and never get any recognition.

Q: Isn't the All-Star game supposed to showcase skill and talent above all else?

A: Depends on how you view it. Myself and many others view the All-Star game as an exhibition for the fans. That said, the fans want to see Rory Fitzpatrick...simple as that!

Q: How about using an automated program to vote as many times as possible?

A: This has been brought up a bunch of times and it's been firmly decided that we are NOT in favor of using automated voting methods. We believe that not only is it immoral, but we don't want to take a risk that the NHL will disqualify Rory votes.

Q: Do you guys really expect to get him into the All-Star game?

A: Absolutely. There is no other option at this point. If you're reading this Rory, clear your schedule for that week - you're going to Dallas!


I think it's kind of funny. You know, one for the blue collar guy. I have to admit, I voted...but only once.

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My understanding was that it was initially an HF prohect to start, but it's gathered more momentum since then. I could definately be wrong, I'm not really keeping a close eye on it. I'll submit the vote just for the hell of it though.

My understanding was that it was initially an HF prohect to start, but it's gathered more momentum since then. I could definately be wrong, I'm not really keeping a close eye on it. I'll submit the vote just for the hell of it though.

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I used my write in in the East on Huet...I suppose I could give Rory a write in for the West.

If a guy like Rory Fitzpatrick makes the ALG on fan ballots...I bet the league re-thinks letting fans vote...or at the very least...takes away the "vote as often as you want" clause...I just don't see the league office wanting to have Rory Fitzpatrick on the big stage to show off the "new" game.

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even if it is for fun he doesn't get my vote, not for the times he put the canucks in debt with his stupid penalties.

Come on stop living in the past and get with the future,

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he's in fifth now with more than 100,00 votes!!!


keep voting guys! devote 10 mins of your time to rory each day.

a fast method if you have firefox is once you vote, just click back (your selections will be saved), press refresh (ctrl + r) and type in the new security code.

and after 9 PM PST, you can just click back and submit without having to put in a new code!








let's get rory into the game guys! (ps. don't vote for lidstrom, neidermayer or pronger as it completely eliminates any point of voting for rory).

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even if it is for fun he doesn't get my vote, not for the times he put the canucks in debt with his stupid penalties.

Come on stop living in the past and get with the future,

i'm not living in the past

i'm living in the future and the now

he takes terrible penalties and will continue to do so in the future

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Update: Rory-mania hasn't slowed down. There is a very good chance he'll be voted to the All Star game. Then what?

My guess is the NHL would overrule it, then change their fan vote criteria.

Perhaps another alternative is Rory would turn it down (with the support/pressure from the league).

What do you think?


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I read a story where the nucks D have a weekly skills competition with the forwards, and one of them Fitzpatrick broke 4 targets with 5 shots, took the forwards 7 to do it (linden was the one).

So, I hope he goes, and participates, gets mic'ed up and has a good time.

Would also be great if the GM put an "all star" clause in, thinking he would never make it "Sure, $250,000 to make the allstar game, yeah, we can do that"

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I read a story where the nucks D have a weekly skills competition with the forwards, and one of them Fitzpatrick broke 4 targets with 5 shots, took the forwards 7 to do it (linden was the one).

So, I hope he goes, and participates, gets mic'ed up and has a good time.

Would also be great if the GM put an "all star" clause in, thinking he would never make it "Sure, $250,000 to make the allstar game, yeah, we can do that"

A lot of contracts have bonus clauses for winning an individual awards or making the all star team...somehow I doubt Rory has one.

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He's still very much correct that this little movement is stupid. I can't even remember the last time I watched the All-Star game with any interest. I like the skills competition (more so when they had the actual team winners involved) but the game itself is brutal.

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He's still very much correct that this little movement is stupid. I can't even remember the last time I watched the All-Star game with any interest. I like the skills competition (more so when they had the actual team winners involved) but the game itself is brutal.

The movement was actually started as a mean prank. Whoever started it wanted to try to get the worst NHL player into the allstar game, and Fitzpatrick had a -50 for his career.

Once it was actually given some serious media attention is when they changed it to the whole "elect a hard working grinder" shennanigainery.

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