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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playstation 3

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Its been like 2 weeks since launch and theres not a topic on it?

The launch games are kind of weak. Resistence seems to be the only great developed game so far, since the rest are basically Xbox360 ports. Its going to be scary how good games will become as the 2nd wave of games hit. BluRay movies are just flat out incredible. Online Gaming is lacking currently, but nothing is perfect on release. The playstation store offers demos, trailers, and now PS1 games are just starting to appear for purchase. Bluetooth works flawlessly. Interface is nice and has many setup options as well as Account, Pictures, Music, Movies, games, Web Browser/Playstation Store.

F1 Demo:


NBA07 Demo:


Terminator 2 BluRay:


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Are those the actual graphics of Blueray? :o

Yes. That is an actual picture of it running on my tv.

Then again, thats also happens to be the best plasma tv on the market. Pioneer PureVision 60"

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Is the actual gameplay like that or is that a kinda cut scene?

Actual Gameplay.

Cutscenes look even better :)

60" thats it?

Come on at least get a 72"


Pioneer doesnt make a plasma any bigger than 60". I dont care about other companies 60+" because none compare to Pioneer.

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Had a little shot on the PS3 earlier. The size of the console got me. It's MASSIVE!!

Can't wait for the next Final Fantasy game to come out for this. The graphics are just going to be incredible.

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I briefly played that motorcycle game. The graphics were a little better than the 360's, but not enough to justify its price tag for me.

Keep in mind that no developper had time to exploit the full potential of the console. But the same thing applies to the 360.

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Pioneer doesnt make a plasma any bigger than 60". I dont care about other companies 60+" because none compare to Pioneer.

They do make a 61" Plasma. If you are using The 1540 it is a solid display, but not the best, by far. The 6070 though is a great plasma. I am bised to Panasonic plasmas, they make some great panels on the higher end. I have even seen some great high end sony LCDs which are some of the best Ive seen.

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Are those the actual graphics of Blueray? :o

Then again, thats also happens to be the best plasma tv on the market. Pioneer PureVision 60"

Those tvs are sick!!!

PS3 is nice, but i just cant justify spending that much dinero when i already have a 360. Im getting the HD-DVD drive for Christmas too, so that will help.

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The HD DVD transfers have been far superior to the BluRay transfers to this point. The quality between the two are pretty much on par, but whoeve is doing the transfers from film to bluray are not doing a very good job.

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The 6070 though is a great plasma.

It is the 6070. The pictures i took really dont do the thing any justice. Its a beautiful picture.

I need some new games. <_<

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the reason no one did a thread is probably because not many people can find it/afford it.

i don't understand the controller, do you need to use the motion control for every game or can you turn it off?

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i don't understand the controller, do you need to use the motion control for every game or can you turn it off?

For the most part, the motion does not control alot of the game. So far its little things such as the hit stick/jukes in madden and riflebutting in call of duty. You can however control steering of motorstorm with the tilt.

It can be turned on or off.

More shots.

Call of Duty:





F1 in the rain:


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those graphics look incredible, especially madden. can you aim by tilting in call of duty? it would make it a lot better than using the analog sticks

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