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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad Game Tonight

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Tonight was my first game in 3 weeks due to mono, and I was just not with it. I don't think I had any intensity at all. I was never tired or out of energy, just really slow. I still care a lot about hockey, but what can I do to get fired up about it, get my intensity level back??

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Everyone has their bad nights. Not playing in a game for 3 weeks will make most people a tad behind. Im sure your were just a tad nervous and worried, thats all. A little anxiety. Just keep rolling with things, and let this bad game get you hyped for the next one. You will be back in game shape in no time.

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Really? I find that when I have been away for 2+ weeks I come back fired up to play hard. Try watching the NHL...

Your kinda right about this one... I play hockey 4 times a week and i've been a solid player since the beggining of the season but this week, i've played 4 awful games out of 4.

I can't really answer your question, i just wanted to comment on bad streaks, how they suck and how they are kind of unexplainable.

If anobody can tell me how to shorten those cold streaks, i'd love to hear it.

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Have you had a few practices before playing?Sometimes, when the "team has gone on without you" it can be psycologocally hard to jump back in.Plus, you are probably a step behind with your timing after a layoff.Sometimes getting into the gym or doing some dryland agility drills can pump you up (if you have time for that)Otherwise, patience!You have been sick and you need a fwe games to get back into it.

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I haven't enjoyed most of this season and that's getting me even more down. Hopefully next season I can find a team that I enjoy more. The only thing I can suggest is try to find out what is bothering you and try to change it if you can.

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