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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Performance

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I need help comparing the performances features of the One90 and the Vapor XXX-Lite. I know that the kick point is lower on the Vapor. Bauer also says the the Vapor is designed for balence while the One90 is more about power. How much different would my performance be if i had the same flex on both sticks?

I kind of want to stay away from the XXX-Lite because of the storys that i have heard.

Does anyone know where i could find a Vector v10.0 Ovechkin mid flex? Sorry for going off topic.


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There shouldnt be much of a difference in performance, the two are quite close in terms of that, its not like your comparing a top of the line stick with some from the bottom. I had a xxx lite, it broke, thankfully within the warranty period, so durability might be an issue, although I have not tried the one90, so it could either be hit or miss on that.

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I got both same length, curve, and flex. Currently my xxx lite is backing up my one90. The both perform very well. The xxx lite has better feel for the puck. With the one90 my shots come off very solid and I am more accurate with it. I am not complaining with the xxx lite I just feel more comfortable taking shots with the one90 over the xxx lite.

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I got both same length, curve, and flex. Currently my xxx lite is backing up my one90. The both perform very well. The xxx lite has better feel for the puck. With the one90 my shots come off very solid and I am more accurate with it. I am not complaining with the xxx lite I just feel more comfortable taking shots with the one90 over the xxx lite.

The One90 is a better shooting stick than the XXX Lite? Any shots in particular? I have a XXX Lite and am interested in how the One90 compares.

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My friend has a XXXlite and neither of us wanted to use it because it just feels like it's going to break(which they tend to do). It's got a nice kick but nothing better than the original XXX, in my opinion.

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I got both same length, curve, and flex. Currently my xxx lite is backing up my one90. The both perform very well. The xxx lite has better feel for the puck. With the one90 my shots come off very solid and I am more accurate with it. I am not complaining with the xxx lite I just feel more comfortable taking shots with the one90 over the xxx lite.

The One90 is a better shooting stick than the XXX Lite? Any shots in particular? I have a XXX Lite and am interested in how the One90 compares.

Just all shots come off harder. On thing I love about the xxx lite is that I am more comfortable stickhandling through traffic with it.

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I have not had any problems with my XXX lites. I actually think they feel sturdier than Easton SL's

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I have not had any problems with my XXX lites. I actually think they feel sturdier than Easton SL's

They're both known to be lacking in durability so... yeah. I have seen toothpicks that have better durability.

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