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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The anatomy of an NHL rink

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Oh I laughed at this! I chuckled over the Aki Berg ineffectiveness zone; guess I still haven't recovered, but I'm not bitter...lol

Thanks for posting the link!!

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Keep looking up players...other sports... a LOT of it is in very bad taste...(Patrick Roy/Kobe Bryant etc...) but some is very very funny.

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I love Artem Chubarov's

"Lock up your daughter, lock up your wife, lock up your backdoor and run for your life" and it has a picture of him and his evil smile.. aka ''Vamp''.

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At the rate of beating a dead horse, I had to throw this on here: "Through detailed analysis of Jason's moves, scientists have predicted that he will arrive to take his penalty shot on Dominik Hasek from the 2005 season opener between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators at precisely 5:37 PM on October 27, 2013"

Im gonna be late for a final as I read this site of brilliance.

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