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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the NBH Pro 4-roll glove.

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April 1 2007 is the exact release date. And I can't wait.

What I find funny as all hell is that this glove came out before and nobody bought it. Amazing what a snazzy new logo does for ya :)

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The exact release date is May 1, 2007. I just double-checked. The gloves are way lighter than the previous 2004 models. That is a huge benefit. NBH also improved the flexibility of the thumb. And, yes, the embroidered logo looks awesome, man!!!

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Thanks DS. I love the new logo, makes the glove look so much better. And the nylon is a huge plus too. Nylon just feels so much lighter than leather. Thumb flexibility better? Sweeeeeeet.

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What I find funny as all hell is that this glove came out before and nobody bought it. Amazing what a snazzy new logo does for ya

I just wasn't a fan of the leather

I'm all about the nylon

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Your Nike rep better check his product availibilty sheet!!

And reps always tell the truth. Actually if that is who I think it is, he seems like a good guy.

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I liked the big bold bauer name written on the cuff more than the NBH logo. They cuff is just soo big and the logo isn't, well it doesn't look nearly as big and bold as the old stuff.

edit - to clearify

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Was it first line dealer then? And HE is a SHE!

My bad, I thought you had the guy out of Buffalo. I spoke with him when we were opening the shop.

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No Im in Pittsburgh, I have no idea what her name is. I was there walking out and turned back to ask the person at the counter when the SDP's would be out and she said ask her she is the Nike rep. She said they are due out May 1, but Ko Sports would get the April 1 from being a front line or first line dealer or something like that...

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