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Player booted for not signing a flag

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A junior hockey player has been ousted from the Saint John Sea Dogs after he did not sign a Canadian flag that the team was sending to troops in Afghanistan.
Beaulieu said he believes in freedom of expression but added that any player who refused to sign would have been kicked off the team.
He said Bouchard had not been performing well and had a bad attitude, even though he has tied for top scorer on the team so far in the season.

Beaulieu said Bouchard was about to be cut anyway and the flag issue was the last straw.


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Well it did say that he had an attitude problem, but If the coach was making up for what he did, I dont see what the big deal was.

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Sea Dogs are 2nd from the bottom of the league. Management needs to shake up the players a little to rescue the season, and what better way to do so than culling out a negative force on the team? Also, I would assume that they are doing all they can to drum up GOOD publicity for the team to increase game attendance, and I do not think this sort of player attitude helps put fans into the seats.

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What an idiot why would you not just sign the flag?

Because he didn't want to. That should pretty much be the end of it whether you agree with him or not.

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Teams do all sorts of publicity stuff. Golf tournaments, meet the fans at the local grille, charity events, etc. You are expected to attend and to also pretend that you really enjoy being there. It is part of the gig. And a really simple gig it is, sign the stuff and smile a lot! If you can not do it, then pro hockey is not in your future!

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Teams do all sorts of publicity stuff. Golf tournaments, meet the fans at the local grille, charity events, etc. You are expected to attend and to also pretend that you really enjoy being there. It is part of the gig. And a really simple gig it is, sign the stuff and smile a lot! If you can not do it, then pro hockey is not in your future!

A lot of teams have this ammended into the contract. Its part of being on the team in most cases.

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i'd love to know what his reason was

it sounds like he just wanted to cause problems and do the opposite of whatever the coach said - i have known people like that - they see an authority figure and for whatever reason always have to argue with them and cause problems

i agree most teams not only want an all-star on the ice - but also a good role model off the ice (an ambassador for the game) because whether you like it or not kids look up to their favorite athletes

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hey i'm from saint john and what i was told from a buddy of mine who has a Sea dog billet(ryan sparling) that he thought that someone signed it for him so he didnt bother signing it. and then in the news paper it says how he realsied he shoulda signed it anyways instead of someone else signing it. Sea dogs are on the bottom and he was one of the 20 year olds and they wanted some more young guys so it could just be a fake reason for bealieau to get rid of him too.

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Why would a canadian flag help motivate american troops in iraq...has canada even been in a war before.

Jesus, it's Meathead's evil and just-as-dumb twin.

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Why would a canadian flag help motivate american troops in iraq...has canada even been in a war before.

Holy shit son you better read up on the news

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yea ostor obviously canada has been to war, I was being sarcastic. And yes there are some, and very few troops in iraq...the ones that are there are more there for canada trying to set up an embassy and such. They are there but, not so much with americans.

If I was in war in lets say africa...If a group of australlian hockey players signed their flag and sent it to me, I would be greatful, yes, but not motivated at all.

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For the sticks, I like ST's as it's half decent quality and good durability.

For the useless part of the post, we send troops, from Canada, quite often. I have relatives over there, and they are doing what they can and are supposed to do, which I have no idea is what, but they are there. Sorry this shouldn't be a discussion.

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yea ostor obviously canada has been to war, I was being sarcastic. And yes there are some, and very few troops in iraq...the ones that are there are more there for canada trying to set up an embassy and such. They are there but, not so much with americans.

If I was in war in lets say africa...If a group of australlian hockey players signed their flag and sent it to me, I would be greatful, yes, but not motivated at all.

If you open your eyes and read a little it says their sending it to Afghanistan..

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yea ostor obviously canada has been to war, I was being sarcastic. And yes there are some, and very few troops in iraq...the ones that are there are more there for canada trying to set up an embassy and such. They are there but, not so much with americans.

If I was in war in lets say africa...If a group of australlian hockey players signed their flag and sent it to me, I would be greatful, yes, but not motivated at all.

If you open your eyes and read a little it says their sending it to Afghanistan..

alright I missed that but it has little significance...does this mean there is more canadians there? no

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There are over 2000 Canadians serving in Afghanistan currently. The flag wasn't for Amercians. The flag is for Canadians. The source (CBC) of the article is Canadian, the hockey team is a Canadian team, and the flag was Canadian. Plus Radio-Canada clearly says who the flag was for but the article is in French.


The Radio-Canada article says the whole thing is a joke gone wrong. A Francophone player joked that he would only sign a Quebec flag. One of the Anglophone decided to sign for the Francophones. So, when Dave Bouchard got to the flag his name was already signed for him. Bouchard says its all a misunderstanding and that he wasn't trying to make a political statement.

If any French speaking members notice any mistakes in my translation please correct me. My French is a little rusty.

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what are Canada's flag rules and regulations?

according to the US flag display rules, a US flag should never be signed, is there something the same for canada?

president bush caught some flak for signing a flag a while back.

"in July 2003 President Bush autographed a small flag. This picture was circulated across the Internet noting its violation of the Flag Code: "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.""

edit, i just found this on the official Canadian Heritage website:http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/etiquette/2_e.cfm

"The National Flag of Canada should not be signed or marked in any way (A border could be attached to the outside edge of the Flag on which it would be acceptable to have signatures leaving the Flag itself untouched)."

so what's the big deal and why is this guy suspended. seems he has more respect for his flag than his fellow countrymen.

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so what's the big deal and why is this guy suspended. seems he has more respect for his flag than his fellow countrymen.

Don't try to make this guy into some patriotic hero. He was either being a pain in the ass or he is as dumb as PMR.

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