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Saddam to be hanged in 30 days

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Looks like we could learn a little something from the Iraqi judicial system- when is the last time it took under 10 years to execute someone sentenced to death?

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Looks like we could learn a little something from the Iraqi judicial system- when is the last time it took under 10 years to execute someone sentenced to death?

How many innocent men have been on death row more than 30 days (or ten years) before new evidence exonerated them?

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Looks like we could learn a little something from the Iraqi judicial system- when is the last time it took under 10 years to execute someone sentenced to death?

How many innocent men have been on death row more than 30 days (or ten years) before new evidence exonerated them?

I understand that some would say any innocents would be too many, but I read an article a few months ago that suggested DNA testing was confirming sentences, rather than exonerating. The number of reversals was slightly more than 1%.

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Looks like we could learn a little something from the Iraqi judicial system- when is the last time it took under 10 years to execute someone sentenced to death?

How many innocent men have been on death row more than 30 days (or ten years) before new evidence exonerated them?

I understand that some would say any innocents would be too many, but I read an article a few months ago that suggested DNA testing was confirming sentences, rather than exonerating. The number of reversals was slightly more than 1%.

"that it is better [one hundred] guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer". -Benjamin Franklin

I'm not against the death penalty, I just think that some investigators and prosecutors are more interested in winning than in doing the right thing.

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The death penalty is useless. It is easy to see that it does not work as a detterent against murder, it sadly only re enforces the eye for an eye mentality. The amount of death row inmates found to be innocent after new evidence was introduced is appaling, it shows how inept the legal system can be at times. Lets just think about all the unlucky innocent death row inmates who were not lucky enough to have new evidence introduced to the court before they were put to death.

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In Saddams case, there shouldn't be any form of execution, it would tarnish his memory alot more to be left rotting in a prison than giving him a shot of becoming a martyr...

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I don't agree with Ben. 100 to 1 is crazy.

I just researched the following statistics. Beginning in 1966, there have been 759,393 murders in the US (an average of 18,985 per year for 40 years) and 3,100,498 rapes (an average of 77,512 per year for 40 years). I'm quite confident some of these rapes were heinous enough to lead to forfeiture of life, so let's say that at least 10,000 crimes have been committed yearly in which the perpertrators should be given the maximum sentence by society, making an allowance for first degree murders versus second. In a slighly smaller time frame (1976, when executions were again allowed), 1,029 exucutions have occured. There have probably been 400,000+ crimes in which the criminal should have been given the maximum punishment, yet that punishment has occured only 1029 times over 30 years.

That's 400 to 1. Even Ben wouldn't like that. I saw a great quote in which the gentleman said that just as we award those in society with the highest accolades (Nobel Peace price, et al) for the highest acheivement, we need to have the moral backbone to mete out the highest punishment to those who commit the most heinous crimes. I understand we need to make sure we are punishing the right person but, at that point, we need to enact that punishment swiftly.

Again, people are being murdered, and people need to be punished for committing those murders.

The amount of death row inmates found to be innocent after new evidence was introduced is appaling, it shows how inept the legal system can be at times.

That's not quite accurate. Even with overzealous (and/or racist) prosecutors, I've seen statistics stating that DNA testing on older Death Row cases has confirmed nearly 99% of the sentences.

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The death penalty is useless. It is easy to see that it does not work as a detterent against murder,

The death penalty is the only deterant to murder. I guarantee that there is a 0% recidivism (sp) rate among murderers who are put to death. That being said, we have to be sure we have the right person. Timothy McVeigh admitted his crime and was put to death 'relatively" swiftly. If we have absolute proof that someone committed the crime, then there is no reason to keep them around on the public dollar. I agree with appeals if there are questions or if there is a possibility of new technology exhonerating someone. At the same time, though, if the new technology upholds a prior conviction, then the death penalty should be carried out that day.

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Just for comparison, how long do people (in the US) convicted for rape usually get?

Our legislation is way to soft on the offenders IMO, people here get 2-4 weeks if it's a standalone rape + they get a blemished prison attest.

It's a bloody disgrace we don't punish harder. There was a story in the news 2 years ago about a 15 year old girl that got raped for 6 hours in a row by 8-9 different immigrants.

She got here life destroyed, the worst sentance was 2½years+ beeing deported from the country after serving the sentance.

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This is starting to get more than a bit off the topic of Saddam. I don't think anyone could justify his actions over the years and the world will certainly be a better place without him.

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the worst sentance was 2½years+ beeing deported from the country after serving the sentance.

If that happened here we would make sure they got a court room that spoke only their language. Their attorneys would be allowed to argue that there are cultural differences that make it okay to do what they did. Then we would give them free housing on the OUTSIDE (not guilty due to misunderstood cultural differences)as well as free healthcare for the 30 extended family members each of them brought with them to the country. Then we would set up classrooms in the schools to teach in their native language, pushing aside English speaking kids. They would get free meals at school, discounted or free utilities, and did I mention free health care. Finally we would give them instant social security cards that trump any need for a green card and let them vote and run for office.

At least your legislation does SOMETHING.

This is starting to get more than a bit off the topic of Saddam. I don't think anyone could justify his actions over the years and the world will certainly be a better place without him.

You are right on both accounts. Sorry for the rant...

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This is the best way to get rid of the star witness for the war crimes trial of George W Bush.

That is the juciest hunk of bait I have seen in a very long time. Amazingly for me, I'll pass. Someone else can swallow the hook. Nice troll though :D

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