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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saddam to be hanged in 30 days

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Well since Chadd started it, we must be okay :D

I was pretty much weaned on Jack Daniels and Maker's Mark.

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Well since Chadd started it, we must be okay :D

I was pretty much weaned on Jack Daniels and Maker's Mark.

Better than where this was headed. I do have a bottle of that upstairs, I'll be right back.

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Fox news is reporting Saddam will be executed by 10pm ET. Witness are gathering in the green zone, and the gallows are in place at the prison he's being held.

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I watched the news for like an hour leading up to it, and I still have it on. For whatever reason I can't turn it off, regardless of how boring it is.

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Here are a few photos from just prior to the hanging of Saddam Husein.

He looks awfully relaxed there....in fact, those shots look like shots from one of the days of trial.

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Guess they didn't want him to see 2007, can't believe they taped it, I'll end up giving in to curiousity and watching it someday, no doubt I'll regret it.

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