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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Sherwood sticks? Possible or Not

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nice. I was considering going the custom wood stick route but since I found the blade i wanted in composite pro stock I don't need to.

I was wondering if someone knew what the minimum for sherwood or tps wood standard blades was. And the price?

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nice. I was considering going the custom wood stick route but since I found the blade i wanted in composite pro stock I don't need to.

I was wondering if someone knew what the minimum for sherwood or tps wood standard blades was. And the price?

TPS would be a min 12, tapered around $26 a blade.

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14 weeks and 2 batches later my SOP's came in today and if it wasn't for all the problems I couldn't be happier.



Nice sticks, beautiful curve too. How long are they from heel to top?

And you only got 8?I thought you needed to order 12?

The other 4 are at my LHS still, and I can go get them whenever I want. I know the guy who works there so he gave me a deal. They are about 58" from heel to top.

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nice. I was considering going the custom wood stick route but since I found the blade i wanted in composite pro stock I don't need to.

I was wondering if someone knew what the minimum for sherwood or tps wood standard blades was. And the price?

TPS would be a min 12, tapered around $26 a blade.

thanks, do you happen to know if they offer standard blades as well?

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Does anybody?

MIA does. Minimum 3 sticks @ somewhere aroeund $199 a pop, plus a one-time setup charge (I believe it's $250). It's all there on miasports.com.

I don't think anyone from here has used the stick yet, I sure haven't seen any word on how the sticks perform yet, and I'm on this site way too much.

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nice. I was considering going the custom wood stick route but since I found the blade i wanted in composite pro stock I don't need to.

I was wondering if someone knew what the minimum for sherwood or tps wood standard blades was. And the price?

TPS would be a min 12, tapered around $26 a blade.

thanks, do you happen to know if they offer standard blades as well?

They do. I have gotten both with them. I am not sure becauase all I know is the cost on the blades but I always got a very good percentage off of cost. I think standard and tapered cost me the same.

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Can you get customs with all wood colored (no graphics)?

I'm sure you could get the wood but it would need to have the Sher-wood logo on it. I think it be the same as how you can't just get it all one color becuase they need the advertisment, so I think they make the logo's mandatory.

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I was told that Sherwood's have to be three colors for custom sticks.

I just did 7000 SOPs with black shaft and white lettering only.

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When sher-wood paints the stick what kind of paint do they use? Will getting the blade painted weaken it and make it soft?

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I was told that Sherwood's have to be three colors for custom sticks.

I ordered 9950 SOP's and was told three colors. Maybe different for each stick? I went with black with gold letering & white outline.

When sher-wood paints the stick what kind of paint do they use? Will getting the blade painted weaken it and make it soft?

They paint the blades after the fibreglass is on the blade so in theory it should not hurt the blade at all.

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