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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick question, can I use a hairdryer as a substitute for

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OK, so I had a cheap heat gun, and its broke, but I was wondering, would I be able to use a hair dryer instead, or should I get a new heat gun.

I don't change blades that much, but I just got a couple of new butt ends that need to go in, and it was then I realised my heat gun was broke.

Anything I need to be wary of with a hairdryer versus a heatgun?


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my friend uses a hair dryer and it takes him a very long time to heat up the shaft. Even then, he usually doesn't get the blade in deep enough (still has about half an inch sticking out).

my best advice is to use the stove top if you are not going to buy a heat gun.

Using a hair dryer is time consuming and frustrating.

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Keep an eye on ads for tool stores and pick one up on sale. I just got one at Harbor Freight for $10 or something like that. In the interim, you could just use your stove. Just don't get the shaft too close to the flame/element. It's not quick but it will work until you get a new heat gun.

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20,000 posts? Damn dude.


At least it was a helpful one. It just shows I need to get more sleep and not sit at the computer all night.

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I have found that my wife's embossing tool works great for this application. Most heat guns are rather large and produce an excessive amount of heat that if applied for too long can totally ruin your shaft. Hair dryer's don't produce enough heat and will take forever to melt the glue, if they can get it to melt at all. An embossing tool such as this, http://www.save-on-crafts.com/marucemheatt.html gives great heat control, and they are really cheap.

Mike D.

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20,000 posts? Damn dude.


At least it was a helpful one. It just shows I need to get more sleep and not sit at the computer all night.

Congratulations, Chadd.

Allsmoke: Why dont you check ebay or flea markets too?

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I use a hairdryer and don't have a problem with it. It only takes a few seconds to heat it up enough for me to put in a blade/plug or take one out.

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it takes me more than a few... about 30 seconds. But certainly not 15 mins. The only time it took me that long was with my mission pro stock blade, the glue wouldn't melt for shit.

But yeah my hairdryer gets really freaking hot.

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would direct flame from the stove work, or is that bad ?

that works, it will heat it up real fast. but you have to be careful because open flame voids most sticks of their warrenty, so if its just an end plug on a stick that is still under warrenty i think you're better off with a hairdryer or heat gun as opposed to open flame.

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