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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is There Any Brand Name You Won't Use

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I can't explain it but I have never been a fan of Bauer. I know they make fine equipment {alot of people use their stuff and they have a fine reputation}. I don't know why they just don't appeal to me

This is the only brand name I have a problem with

What about you ?

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The last several CCM products I've purchased were of poor quality and it would take some major improvements before I purchased any more of their products.

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CCM sticks for me. I just don't like the feel of them. Im not saying that if given to me or if there was a good deal I wouldn't but at the current prices I won't use them.

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Im a big ccm fan... in the skates department, otherwise.... nah. I wont buy hespler, for some resaon it just has this stigma in my mind, that it sucks, hespler and christian.

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ccm there stuff is hideous and just looks like crapp although i have used a vector there not that bad but the rest of their stuff it looks like junk, hespeler to there stuff just looks plain old cheap.

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CCM in general but, the Vectors I've seen look slapped together and seem "plasticky", for lack of a better description. The lack of quality finishing is astonishing.

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What's with all the knocks on CCM....I know it is opinon and you are entitled to it, but CCM has quite a history. I wear CCM Tacks (600 Skates and 652 Pants)...I've never had a problem with them.

Again, I've never had the really high end stuff...I suppose that experience would sour you on just about everything else once you've used it.

Gotta love these kind of threads...they are open to so many interpretations and opinions....Bring 'em on!

As far as stuff I can't use. I'd never go back to the old Micron skates I had when I was younger *L* Other than that.


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I really like the Hespeler gloves, they remind me of Eagles and still have some of the design of Eagles intergrated into their new gloves and most of the shafts are Inno made, they may not be exact but they are pretty close.

I hate CCM gloves they jsut look ugly and when I slip them on it isnt anything special.

No one here will say Eagle although I dont see anything that sets them really far apart from other gloves although they are really flashy and look so nice.

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Wow, I didn't realize that CCM was held in low regard on here. I'll always use CCM Tacks skate boots and the classic HT2 (now 652) helmet but that's about it.

I've never used a Bauer either although I''ll end up trying a Vapor XX OPS down the road sometime.

I will not use any piece of hockey equipment with a "swoosh" on it. No name needs to be mentioned.

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Well personaly, i wont buy any hespler or easton sticks. they dont make a flex i can use in the proper lenght for me. also i find easton gloves and skates just horrable. <_<

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Alright, I'll be "that guy" I will NEVER own/buy a pair of Eagle Gloves...... very little protection for a whole lot of money....where i live everyone and their mom have Eagle Gloves...and i've always had to go against the grain.

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Alright, I'll be "that guy" I will NEVER own/buy a pair of Eagle Gloves...... very little protection for a whole lot of money....where i live everyone and their mom have Eagle Gloves...and i've always had to go against the grain.

Agreed. I can get everything i want under the sun with another mfgr custom, cheaper than a standard Eagle glove.

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