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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening By Mail

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Thanks for the welcome aboard guys.

What i meant about the video was simply to say how many guys are totally unaware of how drastically these factors affect the skating performance. (At least the few people I asked about the ROH and radiusing, now that I am returing to skating after a long absence.) I thought that Bob was the one in the video, so that shows what I know!

Anyway, this forum is a great resource, and I am glad to be on board. I wish I had more to share, but I am here to learn the million things I don't know!

Bob M.

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I got out for the first time today with the skate blades Bob did for me via mail. They worked out amazingly well. Granted, this is a new skate as well, but I did feel much much better with the runners profiled by Bob (10" radius with a medium toe down rocker, and 9/16 ROH) then with what I had sharpened when I bought them (CCM stock radius and 9/16 ROH). All in all, I think that the sharpen by mail is going to be way better for me than my local sharpener. I'll keep you posted, but so far I am happy.

Bob M.

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No-icing sports. Only one word: Superb.

Bob is extremely knowledgeable and super friendly. Not only his custom profiling did wonders for my turns and stability but he leaves the blade is so smooth that the gliding is incredible. Over time I asked him many technical questions over the e-mail. He always answers promptly showing a deep understanding of the topic.

Even though he recommends to send the blades for a new profiling after, I think, 10 sharpening, I send them for all my regular sharpening too. The difference with the local sharpening is so big that nobody but Bob touches my blades.

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...yet he shies away from many of the sharpening threads on here. Go figure.

Some of us are very busy actually sharpening skates instead of being on boards all day. I get on here and try to help when I can, enough said.

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...yet he shies away from many of the sharpening threads on here. Go figure.

Some of us are very busy actually sharpening skates instead of being on boards all day. I get on here and try to help when I can, enough said.

Are you suggesting that he sharpen figure skates??

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...yet he shies away from many of the sharpening threads on here. Go figure.

Some of us are very busy actually sharpening skates instead of being on boards all day. I get on here and try to help when I can, enough said.

Yeah, but then again some are very busy actually sharpening, training employees how to work proshops, and booking product for a 12-store chain and then have to come home to their second job, which is to run the site that gives you free publicity/advertising. Sorry, what was I thinking? ;)

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My local sharpeners are hacks - I also sent my stuff to Bob - got them back unmatched blades and a twist in the blade on another set - stop sending to him after 5 trys - trying www.ProFormanceEdges.com next

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I've been nothing but pleased with "Jimmy" aka Bob @ No Icing. I read about the FBV on here and did a search on the net and found that they did them by mail. I've had 3 sets of steel done there and the service was nothing short of superb. We had a discussion about what sharpening to try, and then the second time around we revised it with even better results. I'd not hesitate a second to tell someone he's a good guy.

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