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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Micron Mega Skates

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Everything left in stock was for Bigfoot. 10+ year old skates and they still wanted those prices? Wonder what else they may find in the back. Nothing like watching your inventory! That was a nice trip down memory lane.

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Everything left in stock was for Bigfoot. 10+ year old skates and they still wanted those prices? Wonder what else they may find in the back. Nothing like watching your inventory! That was a nice trip down memory lane.

Obviously you don't know Bob Perani.

If you want a trip down memory lane, go to his Taylor location.

I saw some of those Daousts at Sterling Heights when I moved up here, and was like "Damn."

They are "slowly" implementing an inventory control system...he's much too cheap and doesn't know what he owns. That's why you have so much shrink in that company (as we full well know after that Superman847 incident).

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Got my Daoust 301s in yesterday and tried them on. The sizing is the same as Bauers for my foot. For some reason, my right foot kept on wanting to supinate when I put weight on it, so I checked the holders. The right one seems really mismounted to the inside, and the steel on both seem to be one size too short. The felt tongue is also pretty narrow compared to all the other skates I've owned. I took out the tongues of my broken down 10-90's for a possible swap, but first I'm going to have to get the holders checked out to see if they can be salvaged. The Kohos were in better shape, and I swapped steel from an old pair of Tacks for an upgrade to stainless.

So much for the nostalgia of "Made in Canada" :(

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