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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I take back anything bad I've said about NikeBauer's Inline Gear

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Yea, Locust thats exactly what I thought with those scary Kuzak wheels. I'm surprised we don't see more THG style exclusive SMU type stuff from Hockey Giant considering the huge amount of product they buy from the big boys.

On a side note, I think these skates would probably look pretty hot on some women players I know... But I also know that dude in my league with the custom pink MIA gloves and camo stick would totally want these if they weren't so low tech

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It looks like something a highschool student made in photoshop.

They must have been looking through our "photoshopped equiptment thread".

Thats what I thought too! LOL. Thats too funny

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i know someone who would buy that...

I could get anyone under 11 years old to also. Go to a tourny and you see all these Mission Shirts and Hats saying only real hockey players where pink?

And the pink wheels..

I think those pink sticks that donated to breast cancer were cool, but I dont think its sweet just to be flashy.

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gogo Team Emo-kid gear. I can't wait until we revert back to every god awful neon-esque color that was huge in the early 90's

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Hey guys, supply and demand, if theres enough demand for pink gear then it will be made and sold, I don't see your problem with Nike/Bauer making it apart from the fact that YOU don't like it.

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I can't wait until we revert back to every god awful neon-esque color that was huge in the early 90's

too late. check out the '07 RBK and Mission catalogs.

lots of gear featuring neon/lime/puke green.

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Neon colors.. now what company .. roller company I think had those bright ass yellow gloves... its right on the tip of my tongue.

Anyway I remember a guy working in a hockey shop trying to sell me them because they were for the "in your face type player" I was like 12 and I laughed right at him.

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