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Sanding your blade

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Heres something interesting (you guys don't have to watch the whole video unless your a Oil fan like me lol). at about 6:08 in the stoll pregame ritual he's in the stick room getting some new sticks ready and before taping them he sands down the blades. Why would he be doing that?

EDIT: oops, forgot to post the link lol

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Nice video, to get another little view of inside the NHL sort of thing.

Interesting face off drill they had Stoll doing.

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I think y he sands the blade is so the tape sticks better to it. Its like painting something, you sand it first so the paint sticks better.

Thats all I could come up with

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I sand the blades on my sticks. I feel that I can feel the puck better on my blade not having the clear coat on it.

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Whbd, how much do you sand it?

Until there is no clear coat at all on the blade up to the heel. The tape also sticks alot better to the blade.

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I sand the blades on my sticks. I feel that I can feel the puck better on my blade not having the clear coat on it.

which part do you sand ? the face of the blade ? from the video Stoll seems to be only sanding the edges.

I have seen a couple of blades where the bottom has been sanded flat. I am guessing this is so you can get a better shot off.

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I sand the blades on my sticks. I feel that I can feel the puck better on my blade not having the clear coat on it.

which part do you sand ? the face of the blade ? from the video Stoll seems to be only sanding the edges.

I have seen a couple of blades where the bottom has been sanded flat. I am guessing this is so you can get a better shot off.

I sand the whole blade

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Great video...thanks for the link. I still don't see the reason players have to wear suits to the rink. I also don't understand why fat baseball coaches wear uniforms either.

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Players wear suits for professionalism. Christ, I can't even think of a school that didn't make players dress up for game days.

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I also don't understand why fat baseball coaches wear uniforms either.

it's tradition. in the old days, managers were often playing members of the team as well. (pete rose was manager/player in the 80's)

baseball managers/coaches are often on the playing field, and baseball didn't want people not in uniform to be on the playing field.

how often do basketball/hockey/football coaches go onto the playing surface?

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ya, the only thing i could think of would be that the tape would stick better. i cant imagine that any nhl player would file down the square toe enough that it would be a round toe, i'd think they would just get a round toed curve, it would probably wreck the blade. Ill have to try what whbd18 said. And jjtt99, i play aaaa high shcool and we have to wear our dress clothes to school on game day, i think its cool, the last time i didnt dress up for a game was when i was 12 or 13 i think.

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Nice video, to get another little view of inside the NHL sort of thing.

Interesting face off drill they had Stoll doing.

Ahhh, as some people here on MSH know, i absolutely LOOOOOOOVE videos like that. I really dig this "behind the scenes" and "insider" kind of videos. I mean in the lockers, the arena and stuff. Not like MTV: Cribs, heh.

If you got _ANY_, hit me up! It does not depend on the team!


A STICK ROOM???? Oh man :wub:

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Hey, there is a video of Sykora working on his sticks (

) and he heatens the blade and curves the toe on his own. Not that want to reanact him, but i always thought that would not be possible.

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Whbd, how much do you sand it?

Until there is no clear coat at all on the blade up to the heel. The tape also sticks alot better to the blade.

that doesnt mess with the durbility?

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no, clear coat doesn't have anything to do with the blade's durability.

if you start getting too deep into the resin, it might.

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Hey, there is a video of Sykora working on his sticks (

) and he heatens the blade and curves the toe on his own. Not that want to reanact him, but i always thought that would not be possible.

No wonder the break so many damn sticks a game, they torch the freakin blade!

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WThF doesn't he just reheat the blade on one stick and send it back for replication???

He plays in the NHL for crying out loud, most be a ritual or because he prefers a softer blade or something?

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ya, i love behind the scenes kindof stuff like that to. that Sykie guy that posted the game day vid on youtube has a few other cool videos of the oilers mic'd up and in the dressing room. other than that ya if anyone else has any vids like that post'em please.

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