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Sanding your blade

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Some may shave the handle, others may like the balance or feel it gives. The company may simply not offer that option. They could also just like doing it themselves.

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Why don't they just order them to the length they want instead of cutting them to put the wood handle in?

yeah i don't really get why sykora cut it, only to put a wood plug in. maybe it a balance thing.

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Why don't they just order them to the length they want instead of cutting them to put the wood handle in?

yeah i don't really get why sykora cut it, only to put a wood plug in. maybe it a balance thing.

I'm not surprised that he uses an end plug....lots of guys use that shaved down handle...I guess he just likes to be "hands on" and cut to length before he does the end.

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Whbd, how much do you sand it?

Until there is no clear coat at all on the blade up to the heel. The tape also sticks alot better to the blade.

that doesnt mess with the durbility?

You may want to try sanding after the warrenty period, as it will void most of them.

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i think tsn did a thing on a player(i forget who)

but he had like 8 different end plugs, with different shapes for feel.

So maybe he has it shaved to the way he likes it.

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It's funny how you always hear that you should never use a blowtorch on the shaft, and yet NHLers always do it. Then again, they get their sticks for free.

Industrial heatguns are the weapon of choice, right? I always just give my sticks to the LHS workers to replace blades, I'll assume that's what they use back there.

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I blowtorch shafts to get a blade out, it can tke a minimum of 30 seconds, max of probably a minute and a half, depends how close you put the flame. But I would NEVER put the flame on the shaft, I just use the heat coming off of it, and probably go at least an inch away from the stick, from the tip of the flame. Blowtorches take a second to ignite, Heat guns take so long to warm up, and are impractical , and I don't have one anyway. If you use a blowtorch properly, it's ok, just dont directly apply (touch) the flame to the shaft.

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in the (really) long run, the torch will cost more as you need to replace the fuel. (And possibly the shaft, if you have an "oops" moment)

Besides, you can get heat guns pretty cheap from northern tool, and even cheaper from yard/garage sales or flea markets. I wouldn't be surprised if they're selling them at craft stores nowadays, either.

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They sand the blade to change the lieof the stick, this helps with stickhandling and if you have problems with yours you should try to change your lie by sanding the bottom of your stick.This is not a good idea to try with composite sticks but with wooden blades it works very well. I do not know how lie is suppose to be spelt but thats what it is called. I got this information out of one of my The Hockey News magazines.

And related tot he heat gun vs. torch comments, the heatgun for me at least works just as good as a blowtorch it just takes a little bit longer but it is worth it because you will save money in the long run.

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A lot of pros sand/shave their blades to either change lie or to make the blade thinner. I saw a lot of Preds players shaving the heels in order to make them thinner.

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