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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL to Debut New RBK Edge Uniform System on Wednesday

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I think the team should choose if they want the jerseys. And the league forcing the right size is just plain stupid. Whats next are they going to choose what skates, sticks and gloves they use?

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Whats next are they going to choose what skates, sticks and gloves they use?

If they could get away with it, absolutely.

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Not sure if this thread mentioned the AHL will go w/ this system so call ups would be used to it, but will the ECHL do the same?

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The ECHL has a deal with RBK much like the AHL. They use the league as a testing ground. I'm pretty sure that the use of certain pieces of equipment are limited to the RBK brand.

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I like how the Young Stars wear their own jerseys...makes it like a shinny game. They should skip faceoffs too...just have the goalies throw it out behind the net after a save and keep playing...

they had as much hustle as a shinny game too

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Saw it in Vegas - I like it. The socks do not look restricting.

Even took out Chadd's water bottle and it dripped right off. Then tried to do it with beer during the post-show party but thought better of it.

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I don't buy the argument that these are different, tradition, blah, blah, blah. These are actually closer to when players wore actual sweaters, so they are in fact more traditional than the dresses guys have been wearing recently. Jerseys have changed a lot during hockey's history.

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Does anyone know if the Replica jerseys have the EDGE cut and technology or is it just for the authentics?

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Does anyone know if the Replica jerseys have the EDGE cut and technology or is it just for the authentics?

The replica on display was not the same and the logo was the lame screen on twill patch.

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I saw the replicas at the coyotes game last night...Not impressive at all, especially with the patches, for $110 :0

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