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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Those OG blue longsleeve undershirts

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I used to wear those. They were nothing special. I believe it was just like wearing pajamas. They were a cotton/poly blend. I liked them just becuase the pros used to wear them. Last summer I bought a Nike Dri-Fit (with Grip Print) with the light blue body and navy collar.

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I got the old school underwear about 4-5 years ago. The light blue top and dark blue bottoms. The tag says "Trifilar-A Sports". They were made in Kingston Nova Scotia.

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Anybody know where to find these? I have a buddy looking for a couple of shirts.

If you are in Canada, I would try stores like The Bay, Sears, Zellers, or Wal-Mart (look in the pajama section).

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Went to my LHS today and they had this Bauer baby blue undershirt...only it was connected to short leggings. So basically it looks like a onesy for an adult. If I rocked this in the dressing room, I'd probably be banned from the league!

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I got the old school underwear about 4-5 years ago. The light blue top and dark blue bottoms. The tag says "Trifilar-A Sports". They were made in Kingston Nova Scotia.

Trifilar was still in business last year and I assume they're still around. Our Eagle rep also handled them last year but I think he dropped them this year.

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Went to my LHS today and they had this Bauer baby blue undershirt...only it was connected to short leggings. So basically it looks like a onesy for an adult. If I rocked this in the dressing room, I'd probably be banned from the league!

A guy on my team wears one of those. He stole it from his college team back in the 90's. It was 2 years used when he got it. :ph34r:

He said he used to wear it to the bar after games sometimes. :lol:

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Went to my LHS today and they had this Bauer baby blue undershirt...only it was connected to short leggings. So basically it looks like a onesy for an adult.

I have one of those, I like to wear it when I 'dabble' playin goalie..keeps the snow from going down the back of my shorts when I'm floppin like a guppy

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haha yeah..I wanted those shirts so bad cause I saw Mike Modano and others wearing them when I was probably 3

Same here, except Trevor Linden rocked them in Vancouver. I even bought a Stansfields one from SportMart just to feel nostalic :)

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