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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Scratch all that. They don't fit. I tried them on in the store about a month ago and they seemed great, but now they're not even close. I'm going to have to send them back.

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What doesn't fit about them?

I tried on the 34+1 a couple months ago and they really seemed great. These 35+1 (which are the same as a 34+2, according to the size chart) just seem huge. In the butterfly my knee is landing so low on the blocks that it's actually sliding off the bottom. So either the size charts are wrong, or else I don't even know what the problem would be. I'm going to send the leg pads back, which is unfortunate since this vendor allowed their 20% coupon to work even on MAP items and they don't have any other sizes in stock.

I'm going to head up to Monkey again next week and have Wyatt fit me in my skates, knee pads and pants. I only had my skates on me when I tried them on a couple months ago. At that point depending on the result I'll either a) buy some 34+1 if they really do fit or b) order 33+2 (or 33.5+2 or 33+2.5 or some other variation) since apparently Brian's did not make this colorway in 33". However if I go that route, I might also send my gloves back and have him order me a set with custom colors since that doesn't actually cost any extra and I have to wait for them to be built anyway. I wasn't 100% sold on the flat silver/flat black already, but I was prepared to accept it considering again the 20% off coupon I used to buy them.

We'll see what happens next week, I guess.

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I wonder if the knee pads are causing the problem. Did you try them with the knee pads that came with the pads? And also with just your skates on to see if you could narrow down the problem? It doesn't really matter since they don't fit with the gear you'll be playing in, but it might be easier to fit in the future. Plus carpetflys are never really the same as on the ice either.

How long is your ATK?

Sucks about the 20% off coupon. Did you try Roddy at TGC for custom? His prices seem to be pretty good and you can't beat the exchange rate right now.

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I wonder if the knee pads are causing the problem. Did you try them with the knee pads that came with the pads? And also with just your skates on to see if you could narrow down the problem? It doesn't really matter since they don't fit with the gear you'll be playing in, but it might be easier to fit in the future. Plus carpetflys are never really the same as on the ice either.

How long is your ATK?

Sucks about the 20% off coupon. Did you try Roddy at TGC for custom? His prices seem to be pretty good and you can't beat the exchange rate right now.

Yea, I was using the knee pads that come with them (which are actually pretty good! If I didn't already have Passau I would have used them). I have to wonder if the fact that they're attached to the pads was what was keeping my knee from landing where it normally would in my own knee pads.

ATK is about a 17-17.5. The 33" I'm in now seemed a bit short (the top "cap" of my passau knee pads actually hangs over the top of the knee stack) so the 34" seemed like the next most logical step. If I go custom I may go 33.5" depending on what they say when I get re-fitted. I'd like a bit larger of a thigh rise than what I have now regardless, so maybe 33.5+2? We'll see.

Haven't talked to TGC, but I've been talking to the goaliemonkey manager via Facebook. The pads are MAP so I doubt he can help me much, unless TGC is one of the few vendors that ignores MAP.

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Yea, I was using the knee pads that come with them (which are actually pretty good! If I didn't already have Passau I would have used them). I have to wonder if the fact that they're attached to the pads was what was keeping my knee from landing where it normally would in my own knee pads.

ATK is about a 17-17.5. The 33" I'm in now seemed a bit short (the top "cap" of my passau knee pads actually hangs over the top of the knee stack) so the 34" seemed like the next most logical step. If I go custom I may go 33.5" depending on what they say when I get re-fitted. I'd like a bit larger of a thigh rise than what I have now regardless, so maybe 33.5+2? We'll see.

Haven't talked to TGC, but I've been talking to the goaliemonkey manager via Facebook. The pads are MAP so I doubt he can help me much, unless TGC is one of the few vendors that ignores MAP.

Maybe try disconnecting the knee pads from the pad? I've heard this is preferable anyway. It's just velcroed in.

Yeah, 17-17.5" ATK should be a 34/35". Honestly going 33.5" is going to add 1/4" to the knee length. I don't see how that will make enough difference. But custom ordering to get a bigger thigh makes sense. Ask for precurved also so you get more reach out of them.

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Maybe try disconnecting the knee pads from the pad? I've heard this is preferable anyway. It's just velcroed in.

Yeah, 17-17.5" ATK should be a 34/35". Honestly going 33.5" is going to add 1/4" to the knee length. I don't see how that will make enough difference. But custom ordering to get a bigger thigh makes sense. Ask for precurved also so you get more reach out of them.

Disconnecting the pad would have the same effect of wearing my own knee pads - my knee won't land in the middle of the knee stacks. Like I said, I think being velcroed in was actually the reason they appeared to fit correctly, because it forced my knee into the exactly correct spot.

Well, if 33" is too short, and 34" is too long, then a 33.5 might be a good way to get it perfect.

Pre-curved would give me MORE reach? I would have thought having the pad face as straight as possible would mean I could actually get the 5-hole closed (something I can't even come close to doing at this point)

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oh, I misunderstood. I thought you meant the Brian's knee pad was putting your knee in the wrong place. If they worked, why not go with them? They may not be as good as your Passau's. But this seems like a lot of work to go through just so you can use a certain set of knee pads.

It's not that much though. If one or the other was marginal, then going 33.5" would be perfect. But if 33" is way too short, and 34" was way too long, then 33.5" will just make it marginal. There isn't enough difference between the two to cause the two extremes.

Yeah, you want the pads as curved as possible, so they will curve in front of your knees and close your 5 hole better. The straighter the pad, the wider your butterfly needs to be to cover the 5 hole. If you think about it, the closer to your knees that the pads touch, the shorter the thigh rise needs to be. With a narrow butterfly, straight pads would give you an "A" shape, meaning that the touch point would be very far from your knees, requiring it to be longer to get them to touch. If you took those same pads and curved the thigh rise in. they would cover your 5 hole entirely, closer to your knees. Pros want pads as straight as possible because it makes them longer and covers more net laterally. But they are pros, and have to have extremely wide butterfly's to compensate for the straight pad.

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Well, if 33 is too short and 34 is too long, what would you suggest besides a 33.5"?

I had just assumed that because them being curved makes them shorter that it would be harder to close the 5-hole.

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Well, if 33 is too short and 34 is too long, what would you suggest besides a 33.5"?

I had just assumed that because them being curved makes them shorter that it would be harder to close the 5-hole.

I'd suggest finding an option that makes one of those fit better. Changing the physical length is not the only way to make a pad fit differently. You can make it sit higher or lower on your leg by adjusting how tight you wear the straps or toe ties. You can make them longer by going to a Lundy Strap. You can custom order Gnetiks with the Subzero knee cradle which wraps better and will help hold your knee in place better so it doesn't slip out. The 1/4" isn't going to be a make or break for you if you are so far off without it.

But it's curving them towards your 5 hole, closing it better. My 32+2" Subzeros formed a good seal, but my 33+2" Gnetik's don't come close to touching despite being longer and regarded as fitting bigger. The Subs were much more curved.

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They arrived Monday while I was out of town. Finally got a chance to open the box today.

I would have been content to keep the S-Series if they had fit a bit better. Either way it was a good way to try out the position with decent gear before investing.

And yep, I know about the 33 to 34 difference. That's why it was perfect for me, I really only needed a half size bigger at the knee. I misspoke in my previous post - I meant 1" from the knee down, sorry (fixed in the post). Looking at these things I wonder if I really need the extra 1" in thigh rise over the 34+1, but that's probably something I can just get used to. It's going to be super awkward regardless for the first couple times on the ice.

If they fit, you'll find the extra inch once you get used to it to be helpful. i was using 36+1 bauer supremes and they were perfect, but then i switched to 35+1 brians Zero G's and although perfect sizing, the extra inch lost made me feel it a lot more on my knee pads, which is ok cause i'm wearing kn ee pads but it started getting old

Ironically my CCM pads i'm using now are 33+2.5 but they're pro stocks so you know CCM runs bigger and pro stock sizing is half a lie

However everyone says 35+1 is the same as 34+2 and i call Horse poo, because i tried 34+2 in Gnetik and subs and it was a painful reminder that its not the same.

35+1 was perfect, 35+1.5 would be more ideal since i dont use a boot strap and do my toe ties at 2.5"

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However everyone says 35+1 is the same as 34+2 and i call Horse poo, because i tried 34+2 in Gnetik and subs and it was a painful reminder that its not the same.

If you go by the size chart, it is true.














Notice the only difference between 34+1 and 35+1 is 1" taller thigh rise. Of course their chart could be wrong, I guess.

I'd suggest finding an option that makes one of those fit better. Changing the physical length is not the only way to make a pad fit differently. You can make it sit higher or lower on your leg by adjusting how tight you wear the straps or toe ties. You can make them longer by going to a Lundy Strap. You can custom order Gnetiks with the Subzero knee cradle which wraps better and will help hold your knee in place better so it doesn't slip out. The 1/4" isn't going to be a make or break for you if you are so far off without it.

I still don't follow. If 33 is too short and 34 is too long, why would I not split the difference?

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its really weird, i know their chart says one thing but you never really know correctly until you put a pair on and measure by feel instead. I followed that chart and boy was i wrong and i felt it when i missed the knee stack and hit the ice. Thankfully i have maltese knee pads so i was good. i ended up hanging out with one of their reps and we discussed hockey gear for about two hours and in that time he measured me himself and said "from this moment on only order 35+1 or if youre adventurous throw in a +2"

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If you go by the size chart, it is true.














Notice the only difference between 34+1 and 35+1 is 1" taller thigh rise. Of course their chart could be wrong, I guess.

I still don't follow. If 33 is too short and 34 is too long, why would I not split the difference?

It is correct. It's been confirmed by Chris Joszwiak many times. Again, there are other factors that affect where you land on the knee.

Because from what you are saying, you are so far off that 1/4" isn't going to make a difference. You're still going to be far off. You're comparing the sizing in one pad to the sizing in a different pad. You can't do that. You have to determine the best size in the pad you have. Your 34/35" Gnetik's are way too long. Gnetik's are known to feel tall, partly because their shape makes them sit very close to the leg. In your S-series, you may have needed a 34". But in a Gnetik, you may need a 33". You can't compare the two pads. The sizing isn't the same because they don't sit the same way. Again, I'm a 33+2' in Subzeros, but a 32+3" in Gnetiks. My 32" Subs were just a tad too short, so I got 33" Gnetiks using the same logic you are. They aren't even close. A 1/4" isn't going to help them enough that they really fit correctly. I don't even know if 32" is short enough. According to their sizing chart, I'm really a 31" (16.75" ATK). I have 32+2" Gnetik 2's coming tomorrow so I'll be able to tell for sure.

And on a side note, the S-series were built off the Zero G which had a different set up than the Gnetiks. The landing gear is smaller, and I don't know that they used the combined sizing before the Subzeros. I know they had to change the sizing guide on their website once the Subzeros came out. I had 33+2" V-series pads, which were the same as S-series. They fit bigger than my Subs, but smaller than my Gnetiks.

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Fair point. It's likely I'll end up with the 33" in the gnetiks. But I'll let them decide on that one. Makes sense though... just because the pads are the same size technically it doesn't mean they'll fit the same way if they are a different model. So a 33.5 (or 34, depending on how far off it was) may have been right if I was going to be staying in another S-Series pad, but means nothing because I'm changing models, so I'll have to be re-sized all over again (which I had been, but the integrated knee pads were skewing the results).

You also mentioned "why not just use the Brians knee pads?". That's fair, but TBH if the only reason the pads are fitting "correctly" is because my knee is physically connected to them, I'm not satisfied that I'm in the right size pads. Better to fix that issue before I actually wear them on the ice and can't return them anymore ;)

My S-series are pretty close to my leg as well thanks to the smart straps allowing full movement even when "tight", so that's the feeling I'll be going for.

And yea, the landing gear in the S-Series was way smaller... and more like a pillow. Was not a big fan of it. I was slipping off the landing gear until I tightened the knee elastic significantly.

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Fair enough. Getting the right size pad is always better than finding a way to force the wrong size pad to work for you. More retailers need to offer demo pads.

I hated my V-series pads. The landing gear is a smaller air bladder without the support of the Gnetik. So I would land on the bottom edge of it, and it would literally shoot out from under my knee like a pool float. By adjusting the strapping on my Gnetiks, I've gotten it so that my knee lands on the gear every time, but they are still not the right size.

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Fair enough. Getting the right size pad is always better than finding a way to force the wrong size pad to work for you. More retailers need to offer demo pads.

I hated my V-series pads. The landing gear is a smaller air bladder without the support of the Gnetik. So I would land on the bottom edge of it, and it would literally shoot out from under my knee like a pool float. By adjusting the strapping on my Gnetiks, I've gotten it so that my knee lands on the gear every time, but they are still not the right size.

Yep... pillow is awful. Was planning on having it replaced if I was keeping that gear.

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If you go by the size chart, it is true.














Notice the only difference between 34+1 and 35+1 is 1" taller thigh rise. Of course their chart could be wrong, I guess.

I still don't follow. If 33 is too short and 34 is too long, why would I not split the difference?

The thigh rise measurements are indeed correct, I had this experience fitting 36+1" G-Netik II's vs 37 + 1"

If you're going custom, Brian's will cut pads to match your 3 specific measurements.

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My 32+2" Gnetik 2's are actually 1/2" longer than my 33+2" Gnetik 1's. It's crazy. I played in the new ones last night and it was rough. The pads were hitting each other in my stance, making it difficult to get fully crouched and moving around. I feel like they are also too close and too high on my legs, which really limited my movements. That's likely because of the Smart Toes. I may go with no toes next time out and see if it changes the feeling so I know what to do going forward.

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Finally made the plunge. It's not really any more comfortable than the stock foam (the NME8 stock foam is actually pretty comfortable), but it does two things for me:

a) Gets my face much closer to the cage. I had trouble seeing down previously because of how far my face was from the cage. Now I can see pretty clearly straight down. The slightly thinner foam combined with the chin sling really make that work for me.

b) Gives me more protection. I haven't been on the ice yet, but everyone talks about how their ears don't ring nearly as much when they get a puck in the head after putting Maltese in. That's enough for me, but any additional benefit due to it being gel and not foam is just icing on the cake.

I didn't put it in the backplate simply because I just couldn't find a configuration more comfortable than the stock foam, and I don't anticipate too many pucks to the back of the head. I do plan to try again, but I'll give it a few weeks with just the mask part done before trying again.

The green thin strips on the sides are literally just there for show. It looked odd seeing the dots near my temples from the front so I stuck those there to hide the insides.

I plan on sticking some black jenpro (likely just some padwrap) on the chin sling where the front vent holes are so you don't see the green there, though that isn't super important.



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Took the Maltese out of my mask. Didn't like it. Was able to sell it no problem though so no big deal.

Anyway, I got a CCM XXL shell for my goalie pants. I'll have to hem the bottom but otherwise I think it looks pretty good and fits fairly well.

Here I've got them folded up to basically exactly the point where the CCM logo is gone.


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After 15 years off the ice, I'm back at it. I must say you can get really nice gear for cheap these days. May lack in durability but not in protection. Here is my Bauer Set with Reactor 5000 pads and one.5 glove and blocker. I replaced the NME3 mask with a Profile 940. Didn't trust the NME3 with my brain and beautyfull face.


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