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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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post workout meal

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I tried searching combinations of recovery, post, workout, food and ect. If there is a thread on this please direct me. I am looking for a quick post workout meal/snack for my son. He is a little guy so he drains his glycogen pretty quickly. We live about 15 minutes from the rink. I need to get something in his stomach before he changes and before we get home. Then we have a meal at home. How about a half peanut butter sandwich and a small gatorade? Can anyone come up with anything better? I have been reading about glycogen windows and whatnot and it seems there is about a 30 minute post workout window to get sugar and some protein in. Then we go home and have a better balanced meal within 90 minutes of the end of practice.

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I've heard that chocolate milk is one of the best recovery drinks out there, even more so than Gatorade. Something about the balance of carbs, protein, etc...

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You are going to want a balance of carbs, protein, and a bit of fat. I would look into a ready to drink protein drink. Its the fastest way your body will absorb the nutrients. Or something like beef on white bread would be fine.

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I doubt your kid will want to have a protein/pwo shake...but yea, gatorade would be fine...chocolate milk, like someone else said, was actually proven in at least a couple studies to be quite effective as a post workout recovery drink, and that's something he would actually like to drink. A bottle of chocolate milk and natural PB & J on sand. right after practice would work pretty well.

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That does sound pretty good. I had just never thought of chocolat milk as being "thirst quenching". I cannot tell him to drink a tone of water and the milk as his stomach has only so much available volume. I don't want him barfing in the car on the way home. I like the milk/sandwich idea because it is "normal" food. He would likely go for that. With the milk to wash it down I can stay away from the sugar in the jam/jelly too.

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when I'm out of Met-Rx RTD shakes, I've been eating all natural peanut butter on whole grain, with slices of banana, and drizzled with a little clove honey. It's got everything you need... protein, clean carbs, etc

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typically something with a 4:1 ratio of carbs:protein is beneficial to replace depleted glycogen stores and assist with muscle repair within the first 90 min...doesn't have to be huge..200-400 calories...that's how chocolate milk got into the discussion..

nearly any sandwich with meat fits the bill as well...

then again those items are based on 1+ hour of continuous exercise..something that hockey doesn't necessarily provide..

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That does sound pretty good. I had just never thought of chocolat milk as being "thirst quenching". I cannot tell him to drink a tone of water and the milk as his stomach has only so much available volume. I don't want him barfing in the car on the way home. I like the milk/sandwich idea because it is "normal" food. He would likely go for that. With the milk to wash it down I can stay away from the sugar in the jam/jelly too.

Chocolate milk has quite a bit more sugar than normal milk, which is one reason it tastes good...sugar is not really an issue though after a workout. It's good to get simple carbs down after a long endurance type workout to quickly replenish glycogen, as well as giving an insulin spike to help get nutrients to where they need to be. If you are going to let him have something sugary at all during the day, after exercise would be the best time.

After endurance exercise, getting carbs down is most important, and protein/fat not so much...but the milk and peanut butter will give some protein too, as well as a good amount of healthy fats. Nothing wrong with putting some jelly with the PB on the sandwich after a workout imo, I would just use natural, organic peanut butter and jelly (not the stuff with high fructose corn syrup, artificial color, flavor, etc) as I believe those ingredients to be much more of an issue than just natural sugars...also since you said that he will be eating a well-balanced meal 90 minutes afterwards, then the sandwich/chocolate milk combo should be just fine for immediately postworkout.

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A gator aid and PBJ on wheat or multi grain is great. Quick and easy and has everything you want in it. You could do better, but its a great compromise and being its for a little kid, Im sure he'd rather have that then a PWO shake with oats or something along those lines.

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I think I am giong to go with half a peanutbutter sandwich, on whatever bread I have, and white milk. I mentioned it to him last night about the chocolate milk, and he said "there's alot of sugar in that though, isn't there?". I'm so proud B)

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Optimum Nutrition has a perfect product for this pupose.

It's called "After Max" It's a recovery product with 50%carbs, 50%protein.

I use it myself, but im pretty heavy so i also add pure maltodextrine to bump up the carbs and calories..

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Optimum Nutrition has a perfect product for this pupose.

It's called "After Max" It's a recovery product with 50%carbs, 50%protein.

I use it myself, but im pretty heavy so i also add pure maltodextrine to bump up the carbs and calories..

How does it taste? Does it mix easily? I would need something that we can put in a waterbottle dry and add water after practice and shake and drink. Cytomax can do that some of the time, but other stuff I have tried pretty much needs a blender or at least a lot more work than a "shake of a water bottle". I am looking for easy, quick, and tastes good.

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I think I am giong to go with half a peanutbutter sandwich, on whatever bread I have, and white milk. I mentioned it to him last night about the chocolate milk, and he said "there's alot of sugar in that though, isn't there?". I'm so proud B)

Yes, there is sugar, but this is probably what makes it effective in post workout recovery (as proven in studies). I don't believe white milk would have the same effect. I would go with chocolate milk for post workout, and of course only for post workout...

"Our study indicates that chocolate milk is a strong alternative to other commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover from strenuous, energy-depleting exercise," coauthor Joel M. Stager, PhD, from Indiana University in Bloomington, said in a news release. "Chocolate milk contains an optimal carbohydrate to protein ratio, which is critical for helping refuel tired muscles after strenuous exercise and can enable athletes to exercise at a high intensity during subsequent workouts."

On 3 separate days, 9 male, endurance-trained cyclists performed an interval workout followed by 4 hours of recovery, and a subsequent endurance trial to exhaustion at 70% maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max). In a single-blind, randomized design, the men drank equivalent volumes of chocolate milk, fluid replacement drink (FR), or carbohydrate replacement drink (CR) immediately after the first exercise bout and 2 hours of recovery. The chocolate milk and CR had equivalent carbohydrate content. Primary endpoints were time to exhaustion, average heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, and total work for the endurance exercise.

Time to exhaustion and total work were significantly greater for chocolate milk and for FR trials than for CR trials, suggesting that chocolate milk is an effective recovery aid between 2 exhausting exercise bouts.

Study limitations include the possibility that the 4-hour recovery period limited the complete digestion of the complex carbohydrates contained in CR.

"The results of this study suggest that chocolate milk, with its high carbohydrate and protein content, may be considered an effective alternative to commercial FR and CR for recovery from exhausting, glycogen-depleting exercise," the authors write.

I believe the "CR" drink used in the test was gatorade, but am not sure...

Here is the full thing: http://www.milknewsroom.com/downloads/stag...cmilk_study.pdf

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How does it taste? Does it mix easily? I would need something that we can put in a waterbottle dry and add water after practice and shake and drink. Cytomax can do that some of the time, but other stuff I have tried pretty much needs a blender or at least a lot more work than a "shake of a water bottle". I am looking for easy, quick, and tastes good.

The Vanilla flavour is pretty good. It's not like Macdonalds milkshake but still fine. It's kinda sweet, so i bet a kid would like it. The powder mixes instantly, so you dont need a blender to mix it. A water bottle or a big glass and a fork would work just as fine..

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I tried chocolate milk last night after skating for 90 minutes, and I felt pretty good. It was surprisingly refreshing. And cheap.

As an aside, why is it important to replenish glycogen? I did the usual Google thing and the only thing I can find is that it aids muscle recovery. Does this mean it makes you less sore, prevents muscle breakdown, aids muscle increase, etc?

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I personally use 2 servings of Optimum Nutrition Whey gold standard after workout (48 grams of protein). It mixes easily because it's instantized, it also contains alot of essential amino acids, 4 grams of glutamine and percursors per serving. It's really a bang for the buck and probably the best whey protein brand you can get. I recommend chocolate, double rich chocolate and rocky road flavor. If you are looking to gaining muscle mass and strength, I recommend taking creatine immediately after workout and take whey protein 45 minutes after. It's very effective and most important of all, natural.

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I wouldn't recommend any protein powder for a kid...the taste is definitely somethign you have to get used to. Some don't taste "bad", but I've yet to find one that really tastes "good" on its own. Also, most of them don't mix at all. You need a blender, or at least a shaker with a screen to get any of them to mix. Optimum's 100% whey is pretty good though, and it will mix in water by stirring...still don't think a kid would like it though. If you did want some extra protein PWO, you could use a shaker and mix chocolate milk with a scoop of Optimum Whey, I bet that would taste good actually. It's just more of a hassle to have a shaker with you than a ready to drink bottle of chocolate milk.

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I do protein powders at times and recovery drinks and some of them do taste okay. Many of them are just this side of gross, and none of them have the flavor for an 11 year old. They are also a pain to mix. I have tried taking them to work in a water bottle and shaking up a batch at lunch. I end up haveing to chew most of it as it does not mix. There is noway my son would put up with that. I am becomming more and more sold on the chocolate milk. A small one though, and if I can find non-fat all the better.

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The first thing I do after an intense workout is drink a bit of water. Then, within a half hour I will drink something made for recovery, like Endurox. I try to eat a moderately-sized meal within an hour of that though.

If I feel I have not worked very hard though, I will go the chocolate milk route. I have read some reports on some cycling sites (cyclists are obsessed with this issue and its research) that support the claim that chocolate milk is beneficial. It is cheaper than Endurox, but not quite as efficient.

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For me..

Right away: A large cup of chocolate milk.

A few hours later: a small something to tie me over. Pretzels etc.

I always work out at night, about 3 hours before I got to sleep.

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Gman... I have researched this, and done some experimenting.

What works for MissD is... immediately after a game (before she dresses) ... a bottle of orange juice (with pulp) and a banana.

I've noticed a major difference in her recovery when we are out of bananas. (Gee, get skates sharpened, buy bananas at the perfect stage of ripeness - this hockeymom stuff gets complicated...lol)

If it is a tournament we'll add 1/2 a bagel and peanut butter. That's probably ideal, but she leaves everything on the ice (as I think your son does if I remember correctly) and feels like she CAN'T eat for a while.

We stay right away from the gatorade type drinks because of the sugar... a banana, juice and a bagel replace everything. Oddly enough, sometimes after she is dressed she'll get a milk if she is still thirsty.

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