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How to Watch the All-Star Game?

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Speaking of "Marty"...i thought Turco was awesome in third with the mic'd up thing they were doing with him...especially after Heater scored..

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Technical difficulties during the Star-Spangled Banner...oh wow.

Just got back. Pics to come tomorrow. BTW, the chick that sang "Oh Canada" fell on her ass leaving the ice.

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Ahhhh...no wonder there was a groan a bit after it.

If you Tivo'd it you can barely see it. Then you can see Michelle Branch take a quick step before thinking that the same thing would happen to her. Star Spangled Banner was brutal though, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus was even worse.

Rode the train back home with the soldier that they interviewed. Recieved a well deserved standing ovation the second he stepped foot inside. Nice to see that people still have class.

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I found a way to make the All star game exiting, I would do it where the players on the losing team have to give 30K each to the charity of the other teams choice.... trust me they would play... it worked for us in shinny

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Ahhhh...no wonder there was a groan a bit after it.

If you Tivo'd it you can barely see it. Then you can see Michelle Branch take a quick step before thinking that the same thing would happen to her. Star Spangled Banner was brutal though...

Their rendition was fine (way better than what she did to Oh, Canada) but they had mic problems.

At least I thought it was good.

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I found a way to make the All star game exiting, I would do it where the players on the losing team have to give 30K each to the charity of the other teams choice.... trust me they would play... it worked for us in shinny

No it wouldn't. When you are as privelaged as the players in the NHL, giving back to charity and the like is a blessing, not a burden on their wealth. If you go with the general concept of heavily penalizing the losing team, who would actually want to play?

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I found a way to make the All star game exiting, I would do it where the players on the losing team have to give 30K each to the charity of the other teams choice.... trust me they would play... it worked for us in shinny

No it wouldn't. When you are as privelaged as the players in the NHL, giving back to charity and the like is a blessing, not a burden on their wealth. If you go with the general concept of heavily penalizing the losing team, who would actually want to play?

If I can make the other dudes pay instead of me, you better beleive it, dam 30K is not change even for those guys, there not basketball players dude, we would play 2 games in the morning and the loosing team had to pay for the ice, trust me we played...

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I found a way to make the All star game exiting, I would do it where the players on the losing team have to give 30K each to the charity of the other teams choice.... trust me they would play... it worked for us in shinny

No it wouldn't. When you are as privelaged as the players in the NHL, giving back to charity and the like is a blessing, not a burden on their wealth. If you go with the general concept of heavily penalizing the losing team, who would actually want to play?

If I can make the other dudes pay instead of me, you better beleive it, dam 30K is not change even for those guys, there not basketball players dude, we would play 2 games in the morning and the loosing team had to pay for the ice, trust me we played...

Fortunately not everyone in the NHL is as irrational and naive as you are.

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I saw this was on, watched for a little bit and turned it back to Scrubs re-runs. Glad I missed the "sweet skills" thing too since it sounds like it sucked out loud.

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