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Tight undershirt Vs. Loose fit

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Hi guys,

I just bought a new under shirt, the rbk triple impact.

I know they are suppose to be wear tight, but mine isn't really tight, Is their something wrong?

I couldn't decide between Large or X-Large. I'm 6'1 185lbs. so i'm not too fat or too slim!

LARGE:The lenght of the Large was perfect, and the wrist protector stay a bit more in place. but i was feeling ''wrapped'' by the shirt around my body.

X-large: Coming from a loose fit nike dri-fit, it felt more ''ordinary'' my body could breath. But the lenght of my arm are a bit too long. so the wrist protector come in the cuff of my glove..

I have the impression i'm not tall enought for a XL or too fat L.

Question: How much tight a shirt is suppose to be?? is it really better to have a tight-fitting shirt or i should bother if the XL is less tight?? :rolleyes:

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I also felt that I had trouble breathing in a tight fit shirt and prefer loose fit. Maybe i'm just out of shape. (ok, no maybe about it) It just felt very stifling.

I'd suppose that with all the pads you'd want a nice, snug fit, as it would feel pretty odd to have the padding sliding around on you.

If you feel the only issue with the XL is the length of the sleeves, you could always bring the shirt to a tailor or dry cleaner and have them take it up just a bit. If you know a chickie who can sew, even better.

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One of the reason I wear something UA-like (generic brand) is because, unlike my teammates, when you wear the shirt you have on, you leave the rink all sweaty-like.

Yeah, I don't where the tight because I just don't like the feeling of it right next to the skin, kinda feel it when you move your arms. loose fit just feels like a regular shirt (except that it's UA)

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One of the reason I wear something UA-like (generic brand) is because, unlike my teammates, when you wear the shirt you have on, you leave the rink all sweaty-like.

Yeah, I don't where the tight because I just don't like the feeling of it right next to the skin, kinda feel it when you move your arms. loose fit just feels like a regular shirt (except that it's UA)

I have a loose fit, didn't really notice a difference other than being totally dry (RBK playdry) but other than that nothing, you dont even notice it while on ice so whats the point?

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i used to wear regular cotton ts, and they'd get loaded with sweat, and weigh about 5 lbs. after games. not to mention it's pretty gross. now, using moisture wicking shirts, I stay dry and it doesn't weight me down. probably more mental than anything, but every little bit helps, no?

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I'm a huge fan of synthetic, moisture wicking shirts and use them for pretty much anything athletic. When I'm lifting weights I like loose fitting shirts, but for hockey (or anything other intense activity that doesn't involve lifting weights) it has to be skin tight. I can't stand playing hockey in loose fitting shirts. If it doesn't peel off at the end of the game (as opposed to coming off easily), then it's too loose for me!

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Usually, to find a fit for a tight fit shirt, we say if it was hard to get on, it's too tight. If it was somewhat easy and it's tight it's perfect. If it's easy and loose it's too big. If any bit of the material is loose, it's too big. I'm not familiar with the RBK stuff, but with UA some people love the feel, some people hate it. So you may be someone who just doesn't like the feel. of the tight fit. So just quit hockey all-together.

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i used to wear regular cotton ts, and they'd get loaded with sweat, and weigh about 5 lbs. after games. not to mention it's pretty gross. now, using moisture wicking shirts, I stay dry and it doesn't weight me down. probably more mental than anything, but every little bit helps, no?

no kidding. id end up squeezing my tshirt after the game and there'd be a puddle on the ground. when i start playing again i plan on loading up on tight long sleeved polyester shirts.

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I just try it on tonight, and i must say that it was ''kinda easy'' to put on. not at easy as my loose fit but still lol.

I know the Large was pretty hard to put on. I also remember that i could see my muscle and with the XL, since the length is longer, it doesn't strech as much my muscle.

my main concern was that a tight shirt was mean to be wear VERY TIGHT. and mine isn't really that much.So maybe it is like an oxysox, some things are made to be wear really tight to have ''better performance''

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it sounds like your L is good, you're supposed to feel wrapped (or hugged) by your shirt. that way, there is the least distance between your skin and the fabric and every part of your skin is being wicked. tight fight shirts are supposed to act like a second skin. if your shirt is too large, it'll shift around and get bunched, it basically won't work as well

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For me, I use the "like cotton" UA gear. I have always played with a light haynes undershirt and switching over to UA's loose fitting "like cotton" model was very easy.

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I also have an RBK triple impact. I'm 5'10 185 lbs and wear a large and it feels tight on me. It's actually a little uncomfortably tight until I get out on the ice so I don't notice it anymore. I think maybe it's just supposed to fit like that.

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okay well thanks marty, yes the large was feeling a bit unconfortable. well mosty in my back, the fabric was rubbing my back causing a disconfort.

but if you tell me once you sweat it doesnt matter, it's all good. i have the receipt and can return it for a large.

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you call that tight?? :blink: .. If that is suppose to be a tight fit shirt, it is to big/loose and will not work properly..

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I prefer the tight fit (giggity giggity) over something loose a million times over, but if you have moobs then you need to wear something very loose.

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I tried a RBK compression shirt, I wanted the short sleeve version but was sent the long sleeve. Either way it doesn't make that much difference but I do find compression shirts to be quite uncomfortable and find they tend to ride up very easily.

I plan on just getting an Under Armour Relaxed Fit Undershirt. Like a normal white-t but with moisture wicking, etc. I have always played with white-ts but I just cant stand the feeling of the extra 5lbs of sweat as others described earlier.

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I prefer the tight fit (giggity giggity) over something loose a million times over, but if you have moobs then you need to wear something very loose.

I have yet to see anyone but Rico Sauve up top sport Under Armor as regular clothing. My moobs, best word ever by the way, are slowly disappering and I wear the shirt under a jersey so its a non issue.

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