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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First skate in SyNergy skates...

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sorry stix, but broken steel has nothing to do with tightening bolts. Maybe you aren't a good enough skater to realize the differences in holders.

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what always turned me away from the easton holders was that gap between the blade n the holder in the middle of it all...i always felt that that was a weak spot, and the blade would bend n twist

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sorry stix, but broken steel has nothing to do with tightening bolts. Maybe you aren't a good enough skater to realize the differences in holders.

Broken steel has EVERYTHING to do with loose bolts, if the bolts arent tight, the blade will move around and either bend or break. and u last comment was bullshit, as I broke 6 blades in 2 weeks with my old ultra lites. I dont need to worry about holders, if the skate is comfy and i can skate as fast or faster and cut hard and stop like i could with my previous skates, i dont worry about the holder, i worry about my game and wats important.

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wenever i would break a blade, i would hear that clicking sound in my holder, so i think it has to do with loose blades. And yes i will admit the Razor Bladz sucked, but the Razor Bladz 2(2003-2004 versions) were better.

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In the cases that I am familiar with, the bolts were just fine. The holders are great if you're a small guy but if you're a fairly big guy, forget it.

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For all you ppl who bitch about them, if its cuz u have to tighten the blades, DONT BE SO LAZY! it isnt that hard,

Yet your not willing to type out full words?

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For all you ppl who bitch about them, if its cuz u have to tighten the blades, DONT BE SO LAZY! it isnt that hard,

Yet your not willing to type out full words?

this isnt grammar skool eazy, i really dont give a damn if u think im lazy for not typing words. this is just how i type. It's a HOCKEY forum, dont remind me of school.

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Now girls, there is no need for all this bickering. Seriously lets act our age guys.

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Maybe you aren't a good enough skater to realize the differences in holders.

And apparently, neither is Pavel Datsyuk:


Or Henrik Zetterberg:


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And apparently, neither is Pavel Datsyuk:

Or Henrik Zetterberg:

I had a pair of Zetterberg's pro return comps and I can tell you the steel was very different than a retail pair of razor bladez. The bolts looked the same to me, but were lock-tited, but the steel was definitely a better grade and thicker, and didn't have the "flex zone" of the retail.

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Maybe you aren't a good enough skater to realize the differences in holders.

And apparently, neither is Pavel Datsyuk:

Or Henrik Zetterberg:

my point exactly, thank you Tom

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On a sharpener's standpoint, I don't like the things. Not too crazy about the steel qualty and that Parabolic thing screws with the alignment on the skate jig. Grr...

In those pics you can see that there's no Parabolic cutout.

Another thing I see on the retail ones I've sharpened is how the middle of the holder droops down...weird.

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Their steel is the same just with no parabolic zone. Parabolic does work though. I've said it before, I love the parabolic and Razor Bladz....gives me a much better feel for the ice...so much more sensitive and responsive, the Tuuks just feel dead in comparison. That is just my opinion.

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I hated the 1st generation Lightspeeds for the same reason. On blades like those (and Parabolic) if you don't clamp them in the same spot every time, it'll sharpen them differently.

As far as the RB go, I haven't skated in Easton skates in a long time. That being said, there is life after TUUK...I recently put my TUUKs on my S500...they felt so dead...had to switch back to PITCH immediately after the game.

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JR...how bout this...I'll send you whatever size holders and steel you want, try them out for some time period we decide on, and you let me know what you think. What do you say?

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Just because they prefer that holder doesn't mean they can't tell the difference between that and tuuks, cobras, etc. :rolleyes:

I agree, however, the earlier post implied that a good enough skater would be able to not only tell the difference, but also realize that the Razor Bladz are inferior. I showed the pics to show that great skaters who can choose whatever blade they want still do use razor bladz.

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sorry stix, but broken steel has nothing to do with tightening bolts. Maybe you aren't a good enough skater to realize the differences in holders.

At not one point did I say they would also realize razor bladz are inferior in that post. Where's chico when you need him.

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