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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Phil Kessel Sticks

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Anyone from the boston area see any of his pro stocks at the bruins stick sale or has anyone else seen them anywhere?

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Anyone from the boston area see any of his pro stocks at the bruins stick sale or has anyone else seen them anywhere?

I went to the game last Thursday... the Bruins Pro Shop did not have any of Phil's sticks for sale. They had a bunch of game used sticks.

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ya he uses an se now i believe, but i had a pro stock st of his last year and it lasted me forever and was the curve I use so I was looking for some more

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to be honest I dont care what stick it is, Ill even take another st from him as it was fairly light. Although an SE or an SL would be great. Anthony if you see any there anytime soon let me know, or anyone else for that matter.

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all i remember is that he used intermediates in college

I actually don't think he ever used intermediate sticks...I believe he uses about a 95 flex with intermediate graphics for whatever reason. I believe there is some Minnesota equipment guy on here...he would know for sure.

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all i remember is that he used intermediates in college

I actually don't think he ever used intermediate sticks...I believe he uses about a 95 flex with intermediate graphics for whatever reason. I believe there is some Minnesota equipment guy on here...he would know for sure.

He does use int. sticks.

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to be honest I dont care what stick it is, Ill even take another st from him as it was fairly light. Although an SE or an SL would be great. Anthony if you see any there anytime soon let me know, or anyone else for that matter.

will do! I went in looking for a left handed SE...they had 2 Axelsson ones, but there were a couple of kids snatching them up. Nothing in the righties. I'm heading in for a few more games within the next 2 months... so I will def. keep the eyes peeled.

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all i remember is that he used intermediates in college

I actually don't think he ever used intermediate sticks...I believe he uses about a 95 flex with intermediate graphics for whatever reason. I believe there is some Minnesota equipment gal on here...she would know for sure.

He definately used intermediates in college. I got to play around with some stuff while hanging out in the equipment room and his stick was whippy as heck. I could get a lot of flex out of it and I'm a relatively small girl.

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No team I'd been on would have thought to kick a girl out of there, but they would cue the "bown chikka bowwwwwwwwwwwwwww nowbownow"

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Female assistants are the devil. I think I've been traded to Heisman's team because now I want an older, mature one that can handle simple tasks rather than eye meat.

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