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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw that on another board and it's ridiculous. Shipping sounds shady, plus people will just d/l the ROMs for free.

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  --notorious said:

Yeah, but SNES was the shit when I was younger and whats thats thing in the top right corner of accesories?

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his name is R.O.B, and he is a robot.

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you connect him to the nintendo, and control him with your controller.

there were two games that you could use him with, one you had to make him stack discs or something.

pretty silly.

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  Slapshot9123 said:

Dosent have the punch out version with mike tyson, it has the one with Mr Dream........god i love that game.

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Tyson's Reps. & Nintendo had a contract dispute in late 1989. On February 11, 1990 Buster Douglas beats Tyson, and then Tyson was charged with a Rape crime, then sentenced to Prison. Nintendo washed their hands of his name and endorsements. Thus, in late 1990 Nintendo launched a game called Punch-Out Featuring Mr. Dream (not the same). It excluded Tyson. BUT my auction's winner gets both copies.

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