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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This Takes Some Thinking

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11 out of 11.

just gotta think about them for a second...the language tricks you.

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How many birthdays does the average man have?

1 Just one!

how is that? i have 1 birthday a year and i've been alive for 19 years, therefore, i have already had 19 birthdays.

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How many birthdays does the average man have?

1 Just one!

how is that? i have 1 birthday a year and i've been alive for 19 years, therefore, i have already had 19 birthdays.

but you were only born on one day, so one day of birth or birthday. Even though it comes every year, you still only have one.

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Apparently, not many people have taken the test. It told me "Only 3 people have ever scored this high," and two of them posted above.

i think it says that for everyone. :P

i took it again on another computer and it said the same thing.

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You GOT a score of 11 out of 11

You rating: Only 3 people have ever scored this high

This is based on the Simon Evans score rating system

answers below

lies, all lies...

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