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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Switching from black to chrome cage

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Anyone here ever done it? Noticeable difference? I've never really thought I've had a problem with the black bars, but I'm giving the switch a try between CCM FM480 models, from black to bling.

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I couldn't stand the black bars at all. Very distracting. Got a Bauer 4000 with the matte chrome finish for $35 and it's outstanding. Very subtle, no reflections, not quite as nice as a visor or nothing but it doesn't fog up and when a guy smacked me with his stick it bounced off the cage.

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i switched from a crappy ccm helmet (not sure what model) to a bauer 5000 with a 4000 chrome cage. the switch was great now i can see the puck alot better with the chrome.

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i like the black, i think chrome is too flashy, it catches other guys eyes so you can't get open as well. I also just think the black looks better.

I agree, black cages look the best, but I want to try out the looking out portion for a chromed out version. But yeah, once you go black, you don't go...

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i use a bauer chrome cage but its not the glossy chrome and when im not thinking about the cage i dont notice it, its great

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Yea, I recently got a new CCM helmet with the shiny chrome cage on it. I definitely think that I have better vision with this than with the black one I was using. It's just nice because it blends with the color of the ice/boards/etc, and the only black you need to worry about seeing is the puck.

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I went from a Bauer 5000 lid with a white Bauer cage to a CCM 1052 and a Bauer "True Vision " titainium colored cage. It is great, no reflections and no contrasting bars in my eyes. Visors are overrated, my Oakley drove me nuts even with the "approved " anti- fog applied right before a game.

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I couldn't stand the black bars at all. Very distracting. Got a Bauer 4000 with the matte chrome finish for $35 and it's outstanding. Very subtle, no reflections, not quite as nice as a visor or nothing but it doesn't fog up and when a guy smacked me with his stick it bounced off the cage.

Interesting...I remember as a kid playing with a white cage, and that was REALLY distracting! The white bars really gave off a glare from the arena lights. Years later as an adult rec player, I gave up on the Itech Concept II full shield I was wearing and went back to a cage. I decided to try black since I figured it would absorb light better than a white one and I was more than satisfied.

Now, I'm intrigued with the whole chrome thing. In particular, the one Bauer sells based on the comments in this thread. If I ever play again, I'll have to try one.

Yes, I do wear full face protection for adult rec league. I figure when I start getting paid to play, I'll consider going to a half visor. Until then, I still need to go to work in the morning and can't afford an eye injury or a huge dental bill. Even though I wear a cage though, you'll find my stick on the ICE! It never comes up unless I'm shooting or it's been lifted.

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I switched from black cage to the grey Bauer 8500 and I like it way better. I have used black, white, & chrome cages before and I personally like this grey one the best.. however, its not entirely different, its not like the lights will reflect off the chrome and blind you or anything. I just personally didn't like the black, u should be fine with chrome.

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I have the Bauer 8500, only used it once or twice but I love it. I'm currently using my old cage just because my 8500, size Large, is too big for me. So if you're interested I'm trying to sell it to get one that fits, let me know.

My old Bauer 3000 or whatever it is, is black and compared to the new 8500 the difference, at least for me, was very noticible. Great vision, nice bar shape, etc.

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i like the black, i think chrome is too flashy, it catches other guys eyes so you can't get open as well. I also just think the black looks better.

I think Itech has cages painted black in front and white on the player's side so you get the cosmetic on the outside but the black doesn't hide the puck on your side.

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i like the black, i think chrome is too flashy, it catches other guys eyes so you can't get open as well. I also just think the black looks better.

I think Itech has cages painted black in front and white on the player's side so you get the cosmetic on the outside but the black doesn't hide the puck on your side.

unfortunatly, im not into the itech "box" look.

the black cages hiding the puck is a load of shit because you will see the edges of the puck around the cage regardless of what color it is, it's not like you can see through a white cage or a chrome one. the only thing i could buy into is that they may be distracting for some people.

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i like the black, i think chrome is too flashy, it catches other guys eyes so you can't get open as well. I also just think the black looks better.

I think Itech has cages painted black in front and white on the player's side so you get the cosmetic on the outside but the black doesn't hide the puck on your side.

unfortunatly, im not into the itech "box" look.

the black cages hiding the puck is a load of shit because you will see the edges of the puck around the cage regardless of what color it is, it's not like you can see through a white cage or a chrome one. the only thing i could buy into is that they may be distracting for some people.

It does make sense though, Black on black vs Chrome on Black and I never notice the difference if someone has a black or chrome cage, i don't know how it would be distracting

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For those of you liking the black look, someone on my team has a cage thats white on the inside and black on the outside, not sure of the name though

i think its called the Itech RBE III I2


Exactly the cage my brother and I use. Vision is fine with the white on the inside, and the black on the outside keeps it "normal" looking.

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Yeah I used white cages growing up. Then I quit playing for 10 years. Picked it back up and went without anything, that was amazing for vision and staying cool.

I tried the Oakley visor/cage combo, actually just the visor, but it fogged up so bad I had to take it off. Tried my roommate's black cage and I couldn't stand it. The gray cage (it's not flashy chrome) is the best.

For what I play, public hockey, it's the best. No fogging, no wiping it down, it gives me full face protection, no worries about teeth or eyes or nose or anything. And it's $40. Most of the best players that I play with (usually former college or HS, a couple junior) all use full cages so it's not a pride or image thing...just being smart.

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