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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The end of my hockey/social life for a while

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Just thought i would fill you guys in that Caralina (babys momma) is due to have her labor induced on wednesday, february 7th at 5:30AM. feel free to leave me any advice that you have.



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You will realize that you and the mom are the most important thing in the baby’s world. You are their hero, teacher, best hockey play in the world (to them) and their protector.

The baby will look at you in the eye soon after they’re born, you’ll realize some of what I’m saying. It’s not easy being a dad, but every day you wake up after ther're born; you are a hero.

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Good Luck and Congrats, Captain!!!!

Hold on to your heart, birth is definately the most breathtaking event you will ever witness. Time to play coach and make sure you give Mom all the support she needs when the time comes. And when the time comes for you to hold him for the first time you will realize that anything you have done in the past now plays second fiddle, Enjoy!!!

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Prepare for a huge shift in priorities!

All the best to everyone. Make sure that mom gets lots of rest when she's not caring for the new little one.

Also, babies cry - when hungry, tired, needing to burp or fart, when he has a wet diaper, etc. As soon as you accept that and can live with it, the better off you will be. Don't let it get you cranky and annoyed. She doesn't need two whiners in the house! Do your part to help out and you will be greatly appreciated.

(our second child is now just as month old, so this is all fresh in my mind!)

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Start teaching the baby sign language. That's a huge help if you're able to do it, but obviously your plate's full.

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There are a few websites, addresses I don't have off the top of my head or at work, but I would definitely take a peek for some books at a bookstore or library. Babies are receptive to it and use it well enough that you're not sitting there trying to feed them when they're actually hurting.

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