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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you remove your wedding ring before skating?

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I wear it for hockey, but take it off for golf. I think I will stop wearing it on the ice, just to be safe.

After reading this thread I'm going to start taking off my rings when I play or ref. Unfortunately my wedding ring doesn't slip off as easily as it used to...

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I always leave mine on, never even crossed my mind about taking it off. It is only a narrow band so I don't even realize that I'm wearing it.

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I keep my ring on when I play, at first every time I took a slapper I could feel it dig into my finger but after a while I got a good callus so I don't feel it anymore.

A guy on my old team played with a rolex yacthmaster for a while. I guess its better than having it ripped off in the locker room but still.

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i remove it right before i put my glove on and give it a kiss (yea yea i am a soft man) never missed a kiss ! been married 1 year in may ......

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Pre-Game ring kiss is sweet. My wife would melt if I told her I did something like that. I'll bet you still buy her flowers too. I usually don't kiss her before games. A pre or post game sleigh ride is a different story though...lol. I'm kidding. She'd kill me for saying something like that. 1 year, you probably still say junk like "I love you!". LOL. Sorry I've been hitched 20yrs in June, and the honeymoon is over, we're still friends though. lol.

I kind of got a kick out of this, but I am just teasing...Even after 20 we're still a little mushy too, so that's OK.

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I just leave mine on. It's titanium so I don't even notice it. Never had problems with it pinching or wearing holes in my gloves.

Also, if you break your finger and it swells up they can't cast your finger. They'll just splint it and let it heal. Who cares if a ring is on it or not for a splint?

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the only jewelery that i leave on is my medic alert bracelet. Being a diabetic it kinda helps if i were to get hurt in a game.

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I just leave mine on. It's titanium so I don't even notice it. Never had problems with it pinching or wearing holes in my gloves.

Also, if you break your finger and it swells up they can't cast your finger. They'll just splint it and let it heal. Who cares if a ring is on it or not for a splint?

you will care alot when your finger swells up enough to cut the blood flow off. They will need to cut your ring off to get the blood circulating. If they don't then the blood will pool up, your finger tissue will become necrotic and then they will just cut the finger off, ring and all.

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Always take both of mine (wedding and engagement) off. And then I always read the engraving on the inside of the wedding ring to figure out which direction to put it back on after, but then I'm a little OCD sometimes. ;)

Havok, don't listen to the old fogies. I've been married 5-1/2 years and my wife and I still say "I love you" all the time and do sweet things for each other. :)

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I used to wear my band under my players gloves when I was only a player. However when I took up officiating a few years back, I started taking it off when I had my zebra suit on but left it on for playing. I took this year off from playing due to financial reasons and officiated exclusively. My ring hasn't seen my finger since last summer except for the one time I tried to wear it in December. Apparently either my finger's gotten fatter or the ring shrunk because I need to have it re-sized if I wish to wear it. My wife isn't terribly happy I don't wear it anymore, but when I point out it could be damaged on the ice she reluctantly comes around to my way of thinking.

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my rings come off. Ever try to find a diamond on the ice after it popped loose? I don't want to find out the answer to that question...

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I wore mine the other day to skate and shoot (have not done that since I got married 11 yrs ago!). Was walking out and noticed there was blood all over the tape on my stick. Got a blister under the ring and it was just torn up. Still have not been able to put it back on.

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I wore a watch under my equipment when I was a kid but there is no way I'd wear my watches out there now, especially with how expensive good watches are these days.

I'm not married yet but I will be in October and I doubt I'll wear my ring that often just because I don't wear jewelry at all (unless you count a watch) and I'm weird about my fingers and things touching them and what not.

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I just leave mine on. It's titanium so I don't even notice it. Never had problems with it pinching or wearing holes in my gloves.

Also, if you break your finger and it swells up they can't cast your finger. They'll just splint it and let it heal. Who cares if a ring is on it or not for a splint?

you will care alot when your finger swells up enough to cut the blood flow off. They will need to cut your ring off to get the blood circulating. If they don't then the blood will pool up, your finger tissue will become necrotic and then they will just cut the finger off, ring and all.

He is that committed.

So do those of you who take your rings off wear a full cage as well? I've seen more cut faces, broken out teeth, broken jaws, and broken noses than I have broken fingers.

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So do those of you who take your rings off wear a full cage as well? I've seen more cut faces, broken out teeth, broken jaws, and broken noses than I have broken fingers.

Yep, always have.

I'm out there to have fun. Getting injured: not fun.

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I also go with a birdcage now. I had graphite slivers go through my mouthguard a few years ago (high stick), and my reaction time is so long now that I have been hit by pucks twice in 2 years.

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I've never had a problem playing hockey(or football for that matter) with my wedding ring on.

But I played basketball with it on once and a guy on the other team got his fingernail caught under MY wedding ring and ripped the nail off. What are the odds of THAT?

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