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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Way to Break In New Skates

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Im pretty sure the XX's are 2, but any sane person would only bake them once since by the time you go in to bake them the second time they would already look like they have been hit by a truck.

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Jr do you have any experience with the CCM fit system? The first time I used it was with my 8090's, pretty neat concept if you ask me.

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It is a massive machine. for those of you that dont know it has air bladders that expand while your feet are in the machine, and basically forces all of the empty spots in the skate to mold to your foot. It feels similar to a blood pressure test, my feet almost fell asleep in the machine.

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I really wouldn't recommend that. Especially the walking part. He can totally cave in the outsole.

I sharpened a pair of skates that were left in the person's car for a couple of hours...I could've made the ankle pads touch each other if I really wanted to.

Okay, here's a question for you...I play right after work on Wed's all summer. I usually have my gear with me and go right from the office. It can get pretty hot up here (Like 25-30 Degrees Celsius). Am I risking damage to my skates by leaving the in the trunk all day in the heat?

I usually let everything sit in the cold room for about 10-15 minutes before I get dresses to cool down...hot gear is almost as bad as wet gear.

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Can i bake skates at home with waxed laces or do i have to put normal ones in.. remember im a lazy guy 8B

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i dont think you should bake them at home ,id do it at a shop with the special machine. ive had skates with waxed laces baked so i dotn think it matters if theyre waxed or not

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I think a good way to break in skates, is too sleep with them on.... just make sure you put some skate guards on... I've done it before many times... to always find myself waking up in the middle of the night to take off the skates and relieve myself of the excruciating pain lol. ( I tie them as tight as possible)

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I think a good way to break in skates, is too sleep with them on.... just make sure you put some skate guards on... I've done it before many times... to always find myself waking up in the middle of the night to take off the skates and relieve myself of the excruciating pain lol. ( I tie them as tight as possible)

Wow, thats hardcore for ya :)

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I think a good way to break in skates, is too sleep with them on.... just make sure you put some skate guards on... I've done it before many times... to always find myself waking up in the middle of the night to take off the skates and relieve myself of the excruciating pain lol. ( I tie them as tight as possible)

actually, i have tried this, and it is a very good way. its a comon thing o do.

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That seems a little Extreme to me lol but if it works for you! :P

I just ussually put extra socks on and stay on the ice as long as i can

Won't wearing an extra pair of socks cause the skates to break in slightly too big? It's not much but still...

I've found what works best for me is skate them as you plan to (either bare foot or with your normal skating socks) and then tape over any part of your foot that starts to rub before you get a blister. Having said that I haven't had any problems with my last three pairs of skates and haven't needed to do anything, not even baking them.

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I really wouldn't recommend that.  Especially the walking part.  He can totally cave in the outsole.

I sharpened a pair of skates that were left in the person's car for a couple of hours...I could've made the ankle pads touch each other if I really wanted to.

I can push the ankle pads together on my vapor XX's, is that a bad sign? (wondering if its time for new skates)

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I think a good way to break in skates, is too sleep with them on.... just make sure you put some skate guards on... I've done it before many times... to always find myself waking up in the middle of the night to take off the skates and relieve myself of the excruciating pain lol. ( I tie them as tight as possible)

I do the same thing and the pain comes to me BAD ....You feet expand or something at night, and i'll wake up at 2:30 AM and race to take them off because they're KILLING me (especially the sides) :blink::blink::blink:

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