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300 and NHL cross-advertising

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I forgot the marketing term for it, but there have been some TV ads lately for "300" that had NHL player shots in them too (in Canada, at least).

Are these ads also running in the US?

I think it's a better idea than last year's NHL player-as-warrior ads. I'm assuming that the NHL approached "300" with the concept.

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I've been looking forward to seeing "300" for a while, and I can see some similarities with the NHL:

(i) The Spartan armor and spears -> hockey armor and sticks;

(ii) The fitness of the Spartan hoplites -> fitness of the NHL players;

(iii) Nowhere for the Spartans to run and hide -> same in hockey;

(iv) 300 Spartans vs overwhelming Persian force -> NHL share of the US sports market vs NFL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, Bowling, Poker, Fishing, etc.

There is some cross-promotion with Sportsnet (Canada) too.

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They had a rangers/300 mashup video on the jumbotron screen at tonight's game. It was well executed imo.

I haven't seen any of the promos on TV yet.

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This movie is great, I got to atttend a special free sneak preview in Boston the other week. It's very violent and intense, with exceptional visuals. I think it's a perfect cross-promotion for the NHL to reach the film's target audience.

Oh, also in the flick I saw boobies.

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Weird that they'd try to mesh the two subjects since homophobia runs rampant in hockey and Spartans were very much into little boy lovins.

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The Spartans did have consorts for the older soldiers in the form of younger ones. I am not quite so sure on the Athenians, or any other cit-state's culture.

Then again, if I had to wager a guess, I would say that the Greek culture, as a whole, had this relationship between older and younger males. This is not to say that the entire culture was gay, far from it. It was just how their culture was. Why? One theory (I wish I remember the historian who proposed it) said that it was due especially to the nature of the campaigns, namely that they tended to be long. Which in turn means that they were far from women for the time. Of course, this is just a theory, but it is plausible.

And I do know that Alexander the Great had a younger male lover, probably for the same reason. One of the ancient historians (again, I wish I could remember his name), wrote that 'the only force to defeat Alexander were the thighs of ****' (it was some male Greek name).

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The Spartans were the most warlike city-state, and they took all their coming-of-age boys and put them into warfare training camps. No girls. So...

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To simplify it, it was like Star Wars where an older guy gets a young one to train. The similarities end there as I don't want to think of Qui-Gon being b-deep in Obi-Wan.

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The way this thread is going I wouldn't suggest you use the words "back" and "hard" in the same sentence.


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I still back this flick hard.

The wife and I are going to see it this weekend. The visuals look pretty wild, or at least what I saw on the promos/commercials.

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