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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick, Healthy Meals

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Tofu, Spinach, Egg Whites??? Mack, are you going soft on us?

You used to eat lightning and crap thunder. Guess the midnight sun is getting to you. :(

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I didn't mention what I had for dessert because that's just showing off. My already Herculean manliness will only get larger when the sun starts showing more and more here.

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Get Uncle Ben's bags of rice. You just leave it in boiling water for 10 minutes and its ready. I eat that combined with pre-grilled chicken breasts at Costco that you pop in the microwave. Its sad how many consecutive meals I've had that combo for.

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  zrez said:

Anyone have any good recepies for smoothies or shakes? Iam looking for something good to drink after i get back from the gym.

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1 large bannana

1 large grapefruit or seedless orange

1.5 cups of frozen berries

1 cup of organge juice

.5 cup of water

2 tablespoons of non-fat yogurt

2 tablespoons ground flax seed (optional)

then mix it all with a hand blender. very filling and tasty. You may have to play with the liquid measures, I just eye the measurements

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So right now I'm eating good ol cereal for breakfast. It doesn't really fill me up so it makes me eat more, and there's probably lots of more healthy stuff for you. I've tried instant oatmeal, but it doesn't have enough "substance" behind it.

So I'm looking for a quick meal that can fill you up, tastes good, and for the most part is healthy for you. Any quick alternatives?

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So I'm looking for a quick meal that can fill you up, tastes good, and for the most part is healthy for you. Any quick alternatives?

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Oatmeal, plus add in yougurt. The hot oatmeal, and cold yougurt make an amazing breakfast meal. Plus it's full of nutrition.

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