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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slapshot advice

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Sounds like the typical stereotype that people label children with OPS. they say that children think that OPS will alter their game dramatically. Your giving them a reason to say it.

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Sounds like the typical stereotype that people label children with OPS. they say that children think that OPS will alter their game dramatically. Your giving them a reason to say it.

Um I don't get what you're saying at all. He is saying that he can shoot it harder with a Fedorov than with a Naslund. I know that I personally can notice a difference on my shot speed with my normal curve (YP) than with a different stick, especially a mid or a toe.

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Sounds like the typical stereotype that people label children with OPS. they say that children think that OPS will alter their game dramatically. Your giving them a reason to say it.

uhhh no im not im saying i have a faster slapshot with a federov than i do with my one90 naslund and im asking for anything that can help me with my slapshot speed on the bigger curve.

i dont think it improves my game dramatically dude wtf are u talking about and the past few games ive been using a wood stick

So can someone please help me

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if im not wrong my fedorov dolomite is a lie 5 (when i compared it to my forberg, and the naslund is a exact clone for sakic for bauer and is lie 5.5

my guess would be that your sticks are cut the same lenght with two different lies(one is higher) which means that your stick should be shorter in order to help your shot. But thats my point of vue.

"Sounds like the typical stereotype that people label children with OPS. they say that children think that OPS will alter their game dramatically. Your giving them a reason to say it."

Yo i think your far out in left field with that one ATT.

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if im not wrong my fedorov dolomite is a lie 5 (when i compared it to my forberg, and the naslund is a exact clone for sakic for bauer and is lie 5.5

my guess would be that your sticks are cut the same lenght with two different lies(one is higher) which means that your stick should be shorter in order to help your shot. But thats my point of vue.

so ur saying my one90 should be cut little shorter?

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maybe its to short, i cant really tell you cuz i cant see you shoot, that or like tbl fan said, you dont roll your wrist enough.

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it's really hard to tell what's going on without actually seeing you shoot. But i still think it might have to do with not rolling your wrists enough or maybe not fast enough. That flick off the toe of the stick adds soo much velocity and speed... if you're not timing it right you might not be getting as much out of your shot as you could.

I'd recommend trying to focus on rolling the puck off the toe for a few shots and see what you notice. Also notice where the tape on the blade is wearing when you're shooting, maybe you're not extending your hands enough... or maybe you're extending your hands too far.

With my v120c I was lazy and didn't cut it(it had a bonk curve which has a lie of 7) and I couldn't take a good slap shot with it. Thing was I had to focus a lot on extending my hands a lot and when I did that my follow through sucked because i'd basically drive the butt end of the stick into my chest. P.S. I'm not saying that cutting your stick is the answer, but in my case it probably would have helped.

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closing your wrists. The action causes the puck to roll from whereever you start the puck, preferably at the heel, to the toe. If you want to see an exaggerated version of this watch a goalie shoot a puck, notice how slowly it's moving across the blade then how fast it comes off. That motion speeds the puck up faster than you could ever hope by just hitting it without closing your wrists.

I'm not saying that you're not closing your wrists but I'm saying that you probably aren't doing it fast enough... it's a very common problem. There's a point which the puck flies float and then there's a point where it causes the puck to fly flat and to fly with a lot of spin and velocity.

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Lots of good advice to try here! I've been working on my slap shot all weekend...actually I've never had one so I've been trying to figure it out.

Tonight things were clicking a lot more as I focused on rolling my wrists over to close the blade. Funny thing is, when I kept that blade closed my shots rose a lot more and I was pinging off the crossbar. Kind of counter-intuitive but closing the blade got more spin on the puck, it flew flatter, faster, and higher.

Oh, and I'm using a PM9 Modano clone. I figure if I can hit the crossbar on a slapper with this blade, I'm learning it properly.

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closing your wrists. The action causes the puck to roll from whereever you start the puck, preferably at the heel, to the toe. If you want to see an exaggerated version of this watch a goalie shoot a puck, notice how slowly it's moving across the blade then how fast it comes off. That motion speeds the puck up faster than you could ever hope by just hitting it without closing your wrists

So it was form.

Not as much what stick hes using.

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closing your wrists. The action causes the puck to roll from whereever you start the puck, preferably at the heel, to the toe. If you want to see an exaggerated version of this watch a goalie shoot a puck, notice how slowly it's moving across the blade then how fast it comes off. That motion speeds the puck up faster than you could ever hope by just hitting it without closing your wrists

So it was form.

Not as much what stick hes using.

Not necessarily, but I figured I'd give him advice to overall help him with his shot. No matter what curve you have this advice holds true, from a Iginla curve on a synergy to a brodeur curve on a CCM H-10 goalie stick.

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Can anyone explain the basics or tell me how to shoot a slapshot? Because I cant even pick up the puck when I take a shot. Can anyone give me adive and help!! :D

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Are you able to take a good snapshot at all? I had no slapshot for the longest time (it's still not great, but it can get off the ice now, at least), and I concentrated on practicing the snapshot for a while. My snapshot got really good, and after that, the slapshot became a lot more natural... Although, my snapshot got good enough that I never even bother with a slapshot, so maybe that's a problem with that method.

Also: http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Slapshot-in-Ice-Hockey

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