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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Does your beer league team have a designated Captain and Alternate Captains?

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Yeah it's just beer league and there are no scouts in the stands, but I'm from the school that letters on your jersey are an honor and a hockey tradition. I'm just curious if any fellow beer leaguers on here have teammates who rep the C and the A on their sweaters?

In some leagues I know it's a requirement. It's not in my league, but there are times where our designated captain needs to talk to officials. And we have some leaders on my squad and I think it may be a nice touch to bestow the honor. But then again, it could be overkill and fanboyish. Just wondering how others handle it.

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Then there's the issue of how do you decide who gets a letter? Is the guy who collects checks for league fees the automatic captain? Are vocal guys captains? Yeah, it seems to be more trouble than it's worth. And I know my team would hate the idea, we can't even agree on a post-game beer brand.

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In the league I play in there are league designated captains and alternate captains. Players all sign up for the league and then there is a draft. The four or however many captains there are are in charge of building the teams. Alternate captains are picked by their team captain. I think I might even be an alternate captain, not too sure. Its not like adult league captains (minus the whole draft thing) have any duties.

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I run my team* and only refer to myself as the GM, not the captain. I have no letter on my shirt and laugh at those who do (99% of the time the guy who runs the team self-designates himself as the captain). However, the league considers me the "captain" of my team.

*collect the $, recruit players, communicate with the league, order shirts, coordinate beer duty, organize team parties, and send out all team emails

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The guy that collects the money and communitcates with the league is our captain and with have two alternate captains, only one captain and one alternate sport the letters. Oddly enough I'm more vocal then all of them on the bench.

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In the league I was in, it was pretty established who did the talking for teams and so we went off that. Plus it's not the NHL so it's not like I can expect heated discussions over penalties unless it's absurdly one-sided.

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Anyone that's not wearing a letter on his jersey and talks to an official in our beer league is going to land himself in the box, so we do letters. The guy that handles the club's organizational issues: collects checks, goes to the captain's meets, goes to the open drafts to get replacement players, and the like is the automatic captain and it's not a matter of his skills as the relate to those of the team at large. I can think of 14 or 15 teams off hand in the leage where the captain is close to the worst player in terms of skills on the roster. In smaller leagues I think it's kind of stupid to have C's and A's on sweaters. In the larger ones I understand why it's neccessary, with 89 teams in 14 divisions it's unrealistic to expect that the league head is going to be able to know everyone playing and whether they can speak for the team or not. So the only realistic solution is to have official team captains.

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Anyone that's not wearing a letter on his jersey and talks to an official in our beer league is going to land himself in the box, so we do letters. The guy that handles the club's organizational issues: collects checks, goes to the captain's meets, goes to the open drafts to get replacement players, and the like is the automatic captain and it's not a matter of his skills as the relate to those of the team at large. I can think of 14 or 15 teams off hand in the leage where the captain is close to the worst player in terms of skills on the roster.

I can't remember being on a team after age ten where the most "skilled" player was the captain. It's about leadership.

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Generally we have a core group that works together to run the team. I end up talking to the refs because I have the most rule knowledge. Letters on the front or names on the back are just overkill.

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Person who collects and organizes is the captain...but we have no letters on the jersey. A few teams in the league do, but we're personally using some practice jerseys and dont have a logo or anything right now...maybe if we get some new jerseys. That is if the captain would let us cause seems like anything we say to the person would constitue as mutiny in their eyes; no, not joking. :lol:

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In our league each team must have a captain with a c on the jersey and two alternate captains with the a on the jersey.

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btw, even though I am outspoken I agree with some of you guys, in a beer league it's overkill. I wouldn't wear a letter if they asked me to be an alternate, but that's just my personal opinion.

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first beer league team i ever played for bestowed upon me the great honor of wearing an 'A' on my chest. i think it's hilarious, and i have no idea why people would bother in rec league. maybe in more serious beer leagues that are actually run well you need a letter to talk to the ref? definitely not the ones i've played in though.

also not a big fan of the "self-anointed" captain types...

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I can't remember being on a team after age ten where the most "skilled" player was the captain. It's about leadership.

I was denoting that it wasn't a skill issue. However, part of being a leader is being able to step up on the ice and if you can't do that it's a bit hard to be a leader of any sort.

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I used to be an alternate on a beer league team. I was like 18, and most of the rest of the team was like 30-40 year old guys. They just gave me one guy's old jersey instead of my own, and it had an A on it. They made me put tape over the letter so nobody would actually think it was mine. If that's not busting the young guy down a peg, I don't know what is.

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I joined a beer league team this season where we have a captain. I think there schould be a captain on a team. Its a part of hockey.After about 4 weeks i was asked to be the captain but i said no because i just joined and din´t know all the guys that well. I am the captain on a inline team and play rollerhockey with some of the guys from the ice team thats the reason they asked. But we don´t have alternates.

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We're putting a team in the spring league of pro shop guys. I am making a comeback to league play after 20 years of disorganized hockey. Since I am the "senior" member of the team they put a C on my jersey without me knowing about it. Now I tell them to just call me Reg Dunlop.

When I use to referee beer league games it was always better to have a player with a C on his jersey. This way he had the Captain's privilege to talk to the ref. It kept the other 14 guys from yapping at every little thing they didn't agree with.

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call me crazy, but even on my insignificant little outdoor roller team, being designated as alternate captain of the team was kind of an honor in a way. Grand scheme of things, it's not all that important, but to be recognized by your peers as someone who can/will lead the team is nice. It doesnt change my game, or enhance my skill in any way, but it's there on the jersey.

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its still hockey and should be treated as such. i wouldn't want to play in a league that was non chalant, i want to play in a competitive league that is fun and takes it seriously. i believe in captains. if i just wanted to mess around i would save money and just play pick up hockey. i know its just a 'beer' league, but anything worth doing is worth doing right.

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The organizer and team spokesman is our captain. Someone has to attend certain meetings with the league commissioner at the beginning of every season. If they can't, I or another guy steps in.

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Anyone that's not wearing a letter on his jersey and talks to an official in our beer league is going to land himself in the box, so we do letters. The guy that handles the club's organizational issues: collects checks, goes to the captain's meets, goes to the open drafts to get replacement players, and the like is the automatic captain and it's not a matter of his skills as the relate to those of the team at large. I can think of 14 or 15 teams off hand in the leage where the captain is close to the worst player in terms of skills on the roster.

I can't remember being on a team after age ten where the most "skilled" player was the captain. It's about leadership.

In a few cases I've seen it's more about some guys can't stand being the worst player in the league. They're big mouths that want to draft their own team and then when they pick the lines for the team they happen to be playing between Joe and Bob Superstar on the first line. Their stats don't look so bad and they can act like a big shot especially if the rest of their team carries them to a good season.

Last game a team got new uniforms and when we saw a guy skate out with the 'C' on his chest we gave him a pretty hard time. It just looks stupid in our beer league, especially since the refs already know before the game who the captains are.

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I think more people would have a positive view of having caps if there weren't so many guys that take it way too seriously and become assholes about the whole thing. I think it's just a size issue. If you have a large league where it's not resonable for the guys that run it to know who can and can't speak for team it's neccessary to have formalized caps. In smaller leagues where the guys that run it do know everybody not having formalized caps is probably a good idea, one less thing for people to be assholes about.

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In our league we had alot of problems losing refs because of guys crying over every little thing that goes against their team so we instituted the letters.

Basically the guy who started the team wears the C and picks a couple guys to wear the A's.

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