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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've been debating it for a while now, and I still think Anna is better. She has the body. However, Maria is only 17 and she still has time to fill out.

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2562714_7_2.jpg Even though I'm having issues getting past those stems I think her arms look well-proportioned to me.

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Yeah but you're like 12 so that's moot. But on a side not that is the HOTTEST pic of a red x I've ever seen.

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Maria is fantastic. Nothing like a hot chick who doesn't suck at tennis. I could watch her run all day, finally giving me an excuse to watch that damn sport.

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Female tennis was due. For all the years Lindsay Davenport's ape-ish ass has been playing there was bound to be a hot girl who could actually play so you could get to see more than round from her. Maria be thy name.

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The only problem is I have to watch women's tennis on mute or the wife thinks I'm watching pornos. The grunting and moaning is getting a bit tiresome.

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Sharipova is 6' tall. That reach alone makes her stand above the crowd in women's tennis (figuratively and literally), a definite advantage. I can see some nice endorsements going her way if she keeps winning, plus she already has the looks that'll sell just about anything.

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I'm definitely voting Sharipova. She's less cutish and more hottish IMO. I do think Serena's pretty attractive also though, but then I'm a sucker for any woman with an ass that big.

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This is the picture for July on the Anna calender in my room. Easily the best facial picture of her out there. But Anna's used and abused by now. Her days in the spotlight are over, and I'm going to start focusing on Maria now.

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  kosydar said:
This is the picture for July on the Anna calender in my room.  Easily the best facial picture of her out there.  But Anna's used and abused by now.  Her days in the spotlight are over, and I'm going to start focusing on Maria now.
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You say that with the true determination of a stalker. Seriously though, good call on getting off the Anna train before it's sewered.

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Yeah, I just read what I wrote and it sounds like I'm on the verge of going through her garbage can or something. The way I figure, she'll be pregnant in six months and nobody wants baggage.

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I know this isn`t a rational suggest, as Sharipova is a tennis player, but if she moved one cup size up I would totaly forget Anna. I`m a sucker for cuties.

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