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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The only problem is I have to watch women's tennis on mute or the wife thinks I'm watching pornos. The grunting and moaning is getting a bit tiresome.

haha, nice, serena williams is like a friggin gorilla.

Sharapova>Kournakova imo, kournakova annoys me <_<

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I can't help it, I want to play Donkey Kong with that hot little banana-eating gorilla.

Jailbait, Mack, but I'm sure you won't go down without a fight.

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Guest 2048
I can't help it, I want to play Donkey Kong with that hot little banana-eating gorilla.

Jailbait, Mack, but I'm sure you won't go down without a fight.

How old is she, 17? That's legal in most states, isn't it?

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I can't help it, I want to play Donkey Kong with that hot little banana-eating gorilla.

Jailbait, Mack, but I'm sure you won't go down without a fight.

How old is she, 17? That's legal in most states, isn't it?

Yea she'd just be a Jr. in high school this upcoming year. And no, I believe 18 is legal, not 17.

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Actually it depends on your location and your age as well. If you are within a couple of years, 16 is te limit in my state.

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Like Chadd said it depends where you are, theres lots of uncertainty, 18, 16, half your age plus 7. All I know is as long as your on the bottom......... :lol:

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I thought Maria lived with her mother in Florida and that's why she's devoid of that annoying accent.

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I thought Maria lived with her mother in Florida and that's why she's devoid of that annoying accent.

Other way around. Lived with her dad in Florida while her mom stayed in Siberia for a while until her father made enough money for her to come over to America.

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