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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I get the Synergy SE now or wait until November for the XXXX?

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I just recently snapped my Vapor XXX Lite by barely flexing it and now i have to use my Synergy 2 in which the blade has a huge crack in it and I dont have any other stick. I really like the feel the XXX gave me, but my shot is by far WAY better with the Synergy 2. I dont really want to keep buying blades for my Synergy 2 since i have had to buy 3 new blades for it in the 5 months i have had it... Pretty stupid... So I am looking to invest in a new stick..

Either the Synergy SE or wait till November for the Vapor XXXX?

I know a lot of you have different opinions for the SE and I have always really liked the Easton sticks until I decided to try a Vapor and then my first Vapor broke under warranty within 14 days, so I sent it back and got the replacement and that lasted 2 months until it just snapped it barely flexing it. I had a SL then that broke after about 8 months. I really liked that stick too....

So.. which one do I go with?

the SE or the XXXX?


I do NOT want a Stealth... I have seen way too many of them break in the leagues i play in. I do NOT trust them.

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So you write off the notion of having a Stealth but are entertaining the idea of staying with Bauer? You just broke one of their sticks by flexing it.

We really do need a better screening process here.

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no im saying i would go with any stick BUT the Stealth

I believe Mack was saying something along the lines of....

why would you not give the Stealth a chance, but consider a Vapor XXXX, when you basically broke a Bauer lightly flexing it?

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no im saying i would go with any stick BUT the Stealth

I would wait for the XXXX since some stores should get it in earlier than others. The SE has more durability issues (IMO) than the XXX.

Have you thought about another XXX or XXX-lite. Although I broke a XXX-lite, I'm either getting a Mac Daddy or another XXX-lite, Prostock, from EWH.

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how about u get an se now , break it in the next six months, then get the xxxx in time to replce it


good idea! :D

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how about u get an se now , break it in the next six months, then get the xxxx in time to replce it


good idea! :D

I second that!

Seriously...if you are so worried about breakage...get a two piece. It certainly has saved me a ton of money.

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how about u get an se now , break it in the next six months, then get the xxxx in time to replce it


good idea! :D

I second that!

Seriously...if you are so worried about breakage...get a two piece. It certainly has saved me a ton of money.

or a durab;e stick

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i think that if you like the SE go ahead and buy it, because the XXXX hasnt even come out yet and you dont know whether or not it will be to your liking

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u should get an se for the time being.. i broke the blade of my se in 3 weeks. i skate everyday though . and i roughly take 50 slappers a session. i cut it and put a tapered blade in it.

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Get an SE period. I just got one today. It's sick. I guarantee your shott will seem faster. and puck handling is much easier (as compared ot what I was using before) I would say you should notice a difference from the XXX to the SE however I do not know if the SE is a TRUE one-piece like the XXX or not. or xxxx for that matter,

GET THE SE...it's sick.


QUOTE(Tyler B @ May 11 2007, 07:33 PM)

how about you get a durable stick

ST maby???

just a thought.

Aslo: the SE is the most durable Easton I have ever seen. I have had a PROSTOCK SL from Team USA...garbage. I have had the original synergy and Si-Core...best Eastons until this..

SE. it's the best amount of money you will spend on a stick.

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You can't beat the Si-core or the ST for durability, imo.

I remember a constant stream of complaints about si-core blades splitting along the bottom.

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if you don't care about durability and need a stick asap, then obviously get the synergy se. how durable it is depends on the player, you might have great luck with it.

if easton put out a drury pattern synergy st, i would be all over it. anyone know why they don't?

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