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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxxx skates

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Hi everyone, I would like to know how much vapor xxxx skates are going for in the US from site's like hockeygiant, hockeymonkey, totalhockey. Do they all have the same price? If so any of these stores you recommend or not recommend?


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before they were released for retail, hockeymonkey.com told me that they were selling them for $479.99, but i havent checked out the other sites. id recomend hockeymonkey aslong as they have the lowest price, they have a good staff and great customer serivce from my previous deals with them.

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they really don't have good customer service.

The online price for these skates makes me happy, I would have spent $40+ MORE if I would have bought them online and had my LHS do the first sharpening, second sharpening and baking.

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I've been looking to buy a pair online and everywhere but greatskates says that Bauer set the M.A.P. (Minimum Advertised Price) pricing on these skates at $529.99

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I've been looking to buy a pair online and everywhere but greatskates says that Bauer set the M.A.P. (Minimum Advertised Price) pricing on these skates at $529.99

Same thing my LHS told me...but it is cheaper if you go to the store. Got mine for $499

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$449 plus $65 to get custom work done (1/4 size difference in skates, pro stiffness, double stitching, felt tongue, different tuuk size, oversize toecaps)

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