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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gas prices

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$1.59 in Woodbridge (VA, south of DC) this past saturday

$1.79 in Laurel (MD, north of DC, I work close to here) yesterday

$1.95 in Springfield (VA, south of DC, where I live) passing this morning on the way to work

Still $2.17 at the station near the rink where I play my league hockey (fairfax ice), which is crazy

Smoke avoid going the Edsall Rd. death trap of gas stations they are ridiculous. Going farther down Braddock are a couple in the 1.70 ranges.

By Fairfax Ice Arena they are usually high but at the corner of Lil River Turnpike and Hummer Road the Sunoco there is usually average about 180 last I checked.

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$0.73CAD/Litre in Toronto, which is about $2.25USD/gallon

For the Canadian bunch, check out www.mcteague.ca, he gives 'tomorrow's gas prices, today'

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Say Good Bye to these lovely fuel prices:


I've read in a couple other stories that it would take six months after the cut goes into effect for that excess inventory to be used up.

But the price will increase long before that. Remember how they went up when they thought the Gulf Storms would damage production...never really did...but thte prices still went up.

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Say Good Bye to these lovely fuel prices:


I've read in a couple other stories that it would take six months after the cut goes into effect for that excess inventory to be used up.

But the price will increase long before that. Remember how they went up when they thought the Gulf Storms would damage production...never really did...but thte prices still went up.

But that would mean speculators were responsible for the absurd price increases and all the investment banks said that wasn't the case. Surely they wouldn't have lied to us. The funny thing is the price went down right after that announcement. I think it will be back up to at least $60 before summer, maybe as much as $80.

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I have a question. Does the price of gas at the pumps reflect the price that the producers are charging, or is there a middleman that buys the oil in the raw state, and then resells this same raw oil to the oil companies who then refine it and then set thier price? I hear that oil is trading at such and such a price, to me that sounds like pork bellies or something.

Pardon my ignorance.

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I have a question. Does the price of gas at the pumps reflect the price that the producers are charging, or is there a middleman that buys the oil in the raw state, and then resells this same raw oil to the oil companies who then refine it and then set thier price? I hear that oil is trading at such and such a price, to me that sounds like pork bellies or something.

Pardon my ignorance.

a barrel of oil could be traded dozens of times before it is delivered to the refiners, who then mark it up a bit before selling to corporations or wholesalers that sell to gas stations. Sometimes the refiners are part of the same organization as the wholesalers or dealer network, sometimes not.

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1.55 northern nj the only good part about living in this scumbag state we usually have some of the lowest gas prices

And full service at every pump

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1.55 northern nj the only good part about living in this scumbag state we usually have some of the lowest gas prices

Hey, Jersey girls don't pump gas.

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1.55 northern nj the only good part about living in this scumbag state we usually have some of the lowest gas prices

Hey, Jersey girls don't pump gas.

When I still lived in NJ took a road trip with my gf at the time to VA Beach. I fell asleep while she was driving and I woke up to her cursing up a storm. Asked her what was up......she said that the service in VA was terrible. She stopped for gas, waited in the car for 5 minutes and nobody even approached her car, and she drove away pissed off and cursing (about the time that I woke up) and was hauling ass lookin for the next gas station.

Silly Jersey broads. ;)

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