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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Moment of Stupidity

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A few weeks back I bought new shoulder pads. They are way bigger and more football like than I was used to. I showed up late for a beer league game, midway through the 2nd.

I'm alone in the dressing room trying to get the jersey over the pads and I'm falling over bags trying to get the thing on. Then I can't get the halfway on jersey back off. After about 5 minutes of this Mr. Bean routine, I take the shoulders off and put the jersey on the shoulders and then slide the whole thing over my head.

I finally get out there, and got two points in the 1st shift!

After the game, I hear someone complain that the bags look like they were gone through. I guess I had upended a few things in my little dance. Yikes!

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My stupidest moment was just before one of my games, I spent about two minutes searching through my bag looking for my helmet, only to suddenly realize that I was already wearing it. I guess I had put it on earlier than I usually do and I just forgot about it :P .

Always a laugh when a teammate is asking if we know where a piece of equipment is, and he's already wearing it.

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I'm usually really anal about my gear so I don't forget much...but our team is...special.

We had a tournament where neck guards were mandatory...well most of us forgot ours so the coaches were cutting up old t-shirts to make it look like we all had them. One girl had the built in one with her shirt...and hated it so she cut it off with her skate blade.

Then we went partying after our games and a few girls left their gear behind the bus...bags were dragged for 2 km back to the hotel before we realised it. Only one girl's stuff got a little wratched...her cage was lopsided.

The worst that I did was forgetting my shoulder pads at home for one of my men's games...so I borrowed a spare pair. I swam in them, but they worked.

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Try the paper in the bathroom that you use to dry your hands off with in the bottom next time. In layers it works wonders. I did the same thing last week. Forgot the left insole. Worked very well. :)

I know it's not always a good fit , but I just use the insole from my shoe. It has to be better than nothing .

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Oh, I have another one.

We were playing and our best player forgot her helmet. We called my boyfriend who brought his, but it had a half sheild on it, not a cage. Since it was summer hockey and we only had 6 skaters the ref said it was okay. I switched helmets with her...christ, I must say...guys who wear visors...takes balls. I was scared about getting a stick in the face ALL game.

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That's because girls naturally fear that and flinch at anything that may come near their face, hockey or otherwise.

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That's because girls naturally fear that and flinch at anything that may come near their face, hockey or otherwise.

what about certain parts of male physiology?

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YEAH she does. Just kidding! :P

Am I the only one that forgets to put his hockey socks on before the skates? Every other week I'm taking a skate off as soon as I put it on. :(

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Am I the only one that forgets to put his hockey socks on before the skates? Every other week I'm taking a skate off as soon as I put it on. :(

I've done that. Not often...but it has happened.

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Happened to me this past inline season. Getting ready for my shift, the other winger comes in and I hope the boards....but I'm not really going anywhere. The ass of my inline pants had got hung on one of the rivots at the top of the boards and I was stuck good. Both feet were on the rink, but my ass was stuck at the top of the boards. It took me jumping around and a teammate to rip through the ass of my inline pants over the course of about 10 seconds. Definately not the brightest moment in my 23 years of playing hockey.


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one of My favorite blunders. My first year in our men's league..I'm carrying the puck up the ice full speed, get to the blue line and decide to drive one in on net, Step into the shot, and my Shaft SNAPS. I Proceed to belly flop to the ice like a sack of taters, while the blade flies farther than the puck.

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A few years back playing in fire/police tourney in Providence, we were scheduled the early game on day two. After a long bender the previous night, we were in fine shape to play some quality hockey. One of our players (we'll call Adam) took his first shift of the game only to feel the effects of the night before. He proceeds to skate off to the bench and sit down only to find that we are screaming his name....from our bench. As he looked up, he saw the whole other team staring at him on the other bench. A further look revealed we were screaming at him to get to our bench so we can get a player on the ice without a penalty when he figures out where he was.

That will never be lived down.

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one of My favorite blunders. My first year in our men's league..I'm carrying the puck up the ice full speed, get to the blue line and decide to drive one in on net, Step into the shot, and my Shaft SNAPS. I Proceed to belly flop to the ice like a sack of taters, while the blade flies farther than the puck.

I don't know if I'd call that Stupidity, as much as it's just bad luck.

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Not sure mine qualifies as stupidity (in fact I'd be a bit offended if it did!) but on the bad luck stakes I think I win the gold medal...

Back in June, I was forechecking the puck carrier around the back of his net when somehow my stick got caught in the net. I was going pretty quick... and skated straight into my stick. It was a Bauer Endure... worst luck!

The stick when straight into my gut, lifted me up, threw me over the corner of the net and then finally broke.

Tore a hole in my abdominal wall... got taken by ambulance to the hospital (which thank God was only five mins away, although it took the ambos 20 minutes to arrive. When they did, my blood pressure was down to 80/48 and I was a bit delirious. Resusc unit at hospital stabilised me, then into surgery the next morning - they stitched up the hole, but my lung collapsed during the operation.

Eventually got back to the ward... spent 9 days recuperating, was released from hospital for a day and a half but my bowel blocked (i thought the stick hurt, but it ain't got nothing on a bowel blockage!!!)... back in hospital another 9 days, where I got a blood clot in my arm from so many needles...

My team-mates now call me 'Stitch', coz I have, believe it or not, a hockey stick shape scar on my belly.

On the upside, I'm back on the ice now (in the last two weeks). And not only did I give up smoking (a collapsed lung will do that for you!) but I lost 13 kilos (down from 97 to 84)... a very extreme way to lose weight and give up the bungers, but damn effective.... anyone thinkings of trying it should ensure they have ambulance insurance (cost me $680 for the 5 minute ride!)

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