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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Didn't you used to be hot?

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Yeah, I can't believe what she's become.


Nice boots, but how's the Sherpa going to get down the mountain now?

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Ha, Theres a girl at my school that wears boots like that. It's halarious. They are like cave woman or escimoe boots. The girl at school thinks she hot and that all the boys like her. She puts so much make up on that she looks like a clown.

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she always was a dirty whore, and its amazing what makeup can do. I saw some special with her on MTV a few weeks ago, and it takes her makeup artist like 4 hours to do her makeup before any event.

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the boots shes wearing are uggz... and they are cool... welll, even I wouldnt make that fashion statement... ouch... shes is ooogly

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Damn, damn. Shakes head for a minute.

Well, right now Ms. Aguilera looks much nicer, seeing as that she is cleaning herself up a tad.

Damn, the true measure of a beauty is how she looks am without makeup


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honeymoon video? i didn't hear about that. in fact, i didn't know she had knee surgery. anyway, if someone does... share the wealth.

Edit: after re-reading it... are you kidding chadd? didn't someone else have a honeymoon video recently?

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