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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vancouver Canucks Euipment Sale

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Canucks sale was pretty good. They didn't have everything out all at once which meant it came in batches. Alot of guys that came in after 10 were still walking out with warriors and sl's. I also saw Kes' gloves and Morrison's one90s...pretty cool how the palm material on morrison's was digi.

I must say though the luckiest SOB had to be whoever ended up buying a pair of Wade Brookbank CP94's.....BRAND NEW!

Oh as for me i picked up a practice rbk jersey for $25, pant shell for my girdle ($30) and a $10 Oakley straight cut visor.

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by the time i was done sorting out through the sticks i wanted... all the practice jerseys were 58 or larger... so stupid...

the visors were such a good deal... good grab on the visors

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Yeah i wasn't expecting to get any of the practice jerseys. They were selling socks for $5 though!

I got my practice jersey for $50 at authentix.

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i tried on a 58 with shoulder pads on... and it was still down to my knees, and i'm almost 6'0, almost like a goalie cut...

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Yeah, it was a decent sale. Thanks to KC83 for bringing me and a buddy in at 9, that was great. Like he said we grabbed a huge load of sticks. I ended up getting a RBK Pant shell, practice jersey, socks, canucks underarmour, couple shirts. After digging through the sticks, i realized there wasnt much i wanted

other than a Sickick, but decided not to buy it so gave it to Kelly.

Edit: Pics of my stuff is in Show it Off.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  Andoy said:

Yeah i wasn't expecting to get any of the practice jerseys. They were selling socks for $5 though!

I got my practice jersey for $50 at authentix.

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Man, I want a RBK practice. Oh well.

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Hey JR I think you can place an order via phone. I'm pretty sure all the $25 jerseys they had out for the sale are gone but authentix sells practice jerseys minus fight strap for $50cdn (they're on sale right now).

check it out: http://www.canucks.com/subpage.asp?sectionID=291

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If someone can find me a pair of leftover Brown goalie pants in navy, I'd *love* to have them shipped out to Toronto. They should be on the table for $60 - just make sure they're size 46 (XL) or larger - a roomy fit on a 36" waist.

Any other goalie pants, I'd certainly be interested.

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have you tried gsbb? You'll have better luck finding goalie pants, especially something harder to find like Brown.

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Yep. I PMed a bunch fo Vancouverites to no avail - none of them made it to the sale.

(I have the same alias over there, too.)

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Bumping an older thread for a related topic.

I talked to a MSH'er Vancouverite a couple months ago about picking me up some sticks that were being sold by the Canucks. I think this MSH'er had some relationship with the Canucks. Anyway, I've e-mailed him a couple of times to follow-up but haven't received a response - I don't think he is on the board much anymore. Q -- does anyone know how to get in touch with the Canucks to order some of their older game-issed sticks?

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I'd be surprised if they're still around. They usually clear older stuff out at their sales, and then move the rest of their stock to retailers like the sports exchange.

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