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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soft drink alternative

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I want to stop drinking soda and I'm looking for a few alternatives to soft drinks. I would like it to be sugar free or close to it if possible. I am not a fan of sipping on water, so bottled/tap water is out of the question.

This is not for ice time. Just for general drinking...

Oh yea, I don't drink alcohol. (I know somebody is still going to mention that lol).

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I know you said you dont like bottled water, but how about flavored water? I would give Vitamin Water a try, I drink about 4 Bottles a day and there is not one flavor I dislike. Theres about 30g of sugar per bottle which is about 10 grams less than a can of soda, its going to be hard to find something that tastes good and doesnt have sugar.

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Thanks. I will give them a try. I tried out Crystal lite but don't like artificial sweeteners.

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Propel's not bad, but I drink a lot of Vitamin Water and it's pretty good. There's one brand, I think it's called Simply Fruit that really tastes like fruit (too much so for my liking) as well.

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VITAMIN WATER is hands down my favorite drink, made me stop drinking lots of soda, plus its supposedly healthy and all natural so it tastes nice and is good for you only downside is that at $2.50 a bottle its a bit expensive in terms of drinks, but now that Coca Cola bought it im hoping that it may go down in price

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Corona or samuel adams


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My vote is for propel. I drink 2 to 3 a day instead of pop like I used to. I feel better during the day now to.

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VITAMIN WATER is hands down my favorite drink, made me stop drinking lots of soda, plus its supposedly healthy and all natural so it tastes nice and is good for you only downside is that at $2.50 a bottle its a bit expensive in terms of drinks, but now that Coca Cola bought it im hoping that it may go down in price

Yeah, if you have a warehouse store near you vitamin water's pretty cheap though, 12 pack's usually 13 bucks.

Oh and about the coca-cola buyout. David Wright and 50cent took percentages in the company instead of getting paid for doing commercials. Wright got 20mil and 50cent got almost 50 in the buyout.

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i personally dont like fruit flavored waters like propel, but thats just me, my brother drank it he loved it and still drinks it, for me its not my thing, just doesnt taste right. crystal light also not one of my favorites

VITAMIN WATER is hands down my favorite drink, made me stop drinking lots of soda, plus its supposedly healthy and all natural so it tastes nice and is good for you only downside is that at $2.50 a bottle its a bit expensive in terms of drinks, but now that Coca Cola bought it im hoping that it may go down in price

Yeah, if you have a warehouse store near you vitamin water's pretty cheap though, 12 pack's usually 13 bucks.

Oh and about the coca-cola buyout. David Wright and 50cent took percentages in the company instead of getting paid for doing commercials. Wright got 20mil and 50cent got almost 50 in the buyout.

50 cent, wow i really dont like him, getting paid 50 million dollars seems pretty nice for not having to do much, but formula 50 is up there with some of my favorite flavors

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Damn, I feel bad at the rates they have Vitamin Water going for because in my office it was .60 a bottle.

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Damn, I feel bad at the rates they have Vitamin Water going for because in my office it was .60 a bottle.

60 cents a bottle, im moving to alaska ;)

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in NYC its not, some places (the rink i play at) even have it for $4.00 but i dont buy from their anymore, but then again if you injure yourself and need some ice your gonna need to cough up $3.00

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i've been drinking a lot of diet ice tea...the citrus flavored green tea by lipton is pretty good

That's what got me to quit the soda...I started drinking Arizona Green Tea, as well as the Lipton Citrus as you mention. I also like chugging down some lemonade iced tea.

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Do they even make the Lemonade Vitamin water anymore? I haven't seen it in stores this year at all, which would suck seeing as its the only flavor I like.

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yeah everything mentioned, propel and vitamin water are real good. i used to drink soda all the time. now i don't even like it anymore especially coke, the only time i drink soda is at restaurants pretty much.

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Do they even make the Lemonade Vitamin water anymore? I haven't seen it in stores this year at all, which would suck seeing as its the only flavor I like.

yep they still sell it, thats one of the very little flavors that i dont like, but yes they still sell it, atleast at the store i buy it from

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One of my favourite drinks of late, probably because they went on crazy clearance here, is the Arizona Diet Arnold Palmer. It's like 30something oz. for 1.25 here so I stocked up on a bunch of those and they're pretty damned good.

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