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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guy Incognito

Does your league allow upper tier players?

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Our league here in Columbus allows two upper tier players per team (2 C's on a D, 2 B's on a C, and 2 A's on a B), save for the C2 league that is strictly C players. Also, you cannot skip more than one division going down. For instance, a B player could not (according to the rules, mind you) play in the D league, and an A player is prohibited from playing in the C league. Goalies are exempt from the upper tier rule, so a goalie is allowed to play up or down despite his skill level. How is your league set up in regards to upper tier players?

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In SCAL we've got an open division (meant for div 1 players, pros, etc etc.) Which we get a lot of in the summer. Then we have a novice league, 1 below open, and so on. Players can't drop more than two divisions. Which is hardly enforced. Sometimes you'll get novice guys playing three divisions lower because they have some friends on that particular team. And, the league won't enforce the rules because the team seems balanced. They do move teams up based on performance, which is good because it makes room for even lower teams to move up. I don't think I've ever seen the league force a player to move up a few divisions because he's better than others. Also, any team playing outside the 'open' division, usually signs up in a division based on the days games are played on. So, the caliber of each division is wide spread. Some divisions play on the same days/nights, so it keeps some teams where they belong.

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Warning: long post. Short Answer: Yes. Long Answer...see below or skip:

The rink our team plays out of offers only C, D1, D2, and Rec divisions (there are facility championships at the end of the seasons and our facility likes to send strong teams to those so that's part of the reason they only offer the lower divisions). They don't offer A and B, but that doesn't mean there aren't A and B calibre players playing there simply because it's a convenient location or they're asked to play on a team with friends. You'll find most of those A and B calibre players in the C division, but they're also mixed in the other divisions. There are no set rules on what players can play where, but they do usually realign the divisions after the first few games.

My team is currently playing in the D1 division and we have a player who has played in the Tier 3 World Championships for South Africa and he's definitely an A calibre player. We also have a handful of other players who have played or could easily play in higher divisions, but they are mixed in with a few D level players.

Last summer we played in the C division in the summer as the calibre wasn't as strong as in the winter and only lost 1 game in the regular season only to lose in the playoffs, but due to our record they made us stay in C in the winter for the start. The problem there was the teams in the C division had no true D or weak players. We also developed some bad habits playing D1 and weren't prepared to play against the higher calibre teams - against most of the teams in D1 we can have an off game or only play well for 10 minutes and still win, but in C we had to play a more complete game and didn't do it so after a tie, a couple close loses and a couple blow outs we were sent back to D1. In D1 we went on to win 12 straight and I think we only lost once or twice more the whole season. The lower quality teams do tend to bitch about us and say we should be playing C, but the problem is we get blown out by the top C teams and the bottom D teams are no challenge. Eventually they divided D into two and put the top D teams in with the bottom C teams which was a perfect fit for us...although there were only 4 teams in that division so it got a little old playing the same teams all the time.

I think it's tough to regulate who plays where, most guys want to play with their buddies in Beer Leagues and not all friends are going to be the same calibre. As long as the games are competitive then I think there's no problem. Unfortunately, with this summer league they divided things up into 3 divisions and while the top one would be tough for us the middle one we're in has 2 teams that give us good games and 3 other teams that are clearly weaker. Playing the weak teams and knowing you're going to win unless you really play poorly isn't much fun. It's nice to play the 2 teams where the games could go either way. The teams that match up well against us also have 1 or 2 superstars, a few above average player and some average Beer league players whereas the other teams that don't compete as well have all average Beer leaguers or one or two above average players. We'd move up to C, but almost all the players on those teams are AAA plus calibre players...against some of those teams keeping it close is an accomplishment for us so while I don't really like winning easily all the time I wouldn't want to be constantly on the other end of things either.

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We've got a few guys in my league that have agreed to calm down. I think it's helped all involved, pretty much each team has one. So far, I've only seen one guy turned away. He was extremely talented, he just couldn't seem to keep himself in check. I don't think he realized how good he actually was in comparison to the rest of the league.

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we have 8 divisions. if you are new and not on a team you can go to an evaluation session where they will assign you a division. you cannot play more than one division below you ie 6 can play 7 but not 8. and you can only have two players that play in a higher division on your team. they will also force players up a division or two if it is obvious that they do not belong.

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Ringers have always been an issue with our I league. Some teams seem to think it's hilarious to bring B players in for a game and beat up on us old and/or broken guys.

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Ringers have always been an issue with our I league. Some teams seem to think it's hilarious to bring B players in for a game and beat up on us old and/or broken guys.

That reminds me of the hell that has been my season. I coordinate an I-League team in Dallas. Our leage for the past seasons has been kinda blind to things like this, one being that there is a team that plays in C and D leagues as well as ours. Usually when teams play against them they bring in ringers so they can at least compete, no onle likes to be blown out 5-1. Then their coach usually has the gall to complain to the coordinator of the league about all the teams bringing in ringers. Apparently they don't want to have to work for all their wins. Any way I was within earshot last season when their coach started his bitching session and finally couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to him and the coordinator and started poking holes in his glass house; I pointed out that his team plays in higher leagues at other rinks, and I pointed out players who obviously didn't belong in our league. In the end their coach tried to play the "I've coached these guys since they started playing", I responded then that If he was really a compentant coach then he should know better than anyone else how much they don't belong.

In the end I guess I sholdn't complain much. We've met that team in the playoffs for the last two seasons in a row and using our same roster as we use all season we beat them, but for some reason we can't beat them during the seaons.

And as a side note we played them last Friday (regular season game) and lost 2-1, but I scored my 3rd career goal and got the one. It looks like the time I"ve been spending on an Artificial Ice surface shooting is starting to pay off.

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Ringers have always been an issue with our I league. Some teams seem to think it's hilarious to bring B players in for a game and beat up on us old and/or broken guys.

That reminds me of the hell that has been my season. I coordinate an I-League team in Dallas. Our leage for the past seasons has been kinda blind to things like this, one being that there is a team that plays in C and D leagues as well as ours. Usually when teams play against them they bring in ringers so they can at least compete, no onle likes to be blown out 5-1. Then their coach usually has the gall to complain to the coordinator of the league about all the teams bringing in ringers. Apparently they don't want to have to work for all their wins. Any way I was within earshot last season when their coach started his bitching session and finally couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to him and the coordinator and started poking holes in his glass house; I pointed out that his team plays in higher leagues at other rinks, and I pointed out players who obviously didn't belong in our league. In the end their coach tried to play the "I've coached these guys since they started playing", I responded then that If he was really a compentant coach then he should know better than anyone else how much they don't belong.

In the end I guess I sholdn't complain much. We've met that team in the playoffs for the last two seasons in a row and using our same roster as we use all season we beat them, but for some reason we can't beat them during the seaons.

And as a side note we played them last Friday (regular season game) and lost 2-1, but I scored my 3rd career goal and got the one. It looks like the time I"ve been spending on an Artificial Ice surface shooting is starting to pay off.

Well this is Euless, so if your issues are at a Dr. Pepper Star Center, it's because Keith Andresen doesn't care about such problems. Even though it comes up every season and many, many times during the season.

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Unfortunately our league only has enough guys for about 4 or 5 teams total. You get everything from former D1 college & junior players on the same team with beginners who can barely stand up on skates and everything in between.

We do our best to even it out but there's always one team that ends up loaded (never mine, lol).

I would give anything to be able to play in a league where everyone is roughly the same ability as myself. *sigh*

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Ringers have always been an issue with our I league. Some teams seem to think it's hilarious to bring B players in for a game and beat up on us old and/or broken guys.

That reminds me of the hell that has been my season. I coordinate an I-League team in Dallas. Our leage for the past seasons has been kinda blind to things like this, one being that there is a team that plays in C and D leagues as well as ours. Usually when teams play against them they bring in ringers so they can at least compete, no onle likes to be blown out 5-1. Then their coach usually has the gall to complain to the coordinator of the league about all the teams bringing in ringers. Apparently they don't want to have to work for all their wins. Any way I was within earshot last season when their coach started his bitching session and finally couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to him and the coordinator and started poking holes in his glass house; I pointed out that his team plays in higher leagues at other rinks, and I pointed out players who obviously didn't belong in our league. In the end their coach tried to play the "I've coached these guys since they started playing", I responded then that If he was really a compentant coach then he should know better than anyone else how much they don't belong.

In the end I guess I sholdn't complain much. We've met that team in the playoffs for the last two seasons in a row and using our same roster as we use all season we beat them, but for some reason we can't beat them during the seaons.

And as a side note we played them last Friday (regular season game) and lost 2-1, but I scored my 3rd career goal and got the one. It looks like the time I"ve been spending on an Artificial Ice surface shooting is starting to pay off.

Well this is Euless, so if your issues are at a Dr. Pepper Star Center, it's because Keith Andresen doesn't care about such problems. Even though it comes up every season and many, many times during the season.

Yeah Euless has been pretty bad for awhile. Nothing like guys who played college and juniors tearing up "D" league. Fortunately Knute left and now there is a new hockey director for Euless. Hopefully he'll make some changes.

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Our league here in Columbus allows two upper tier players per team (2 C's on a D, 2 B's on a C, and 2 A's on a B), save for the C2 league that is strictly C players. Also, you cannot skip more than one division going down. For instance, a B player could not (according to the rules, mind you) play in the D league, and an A player is prohibited from playing in the C league. Goalies are exempt from the upper tier rule, so a goalie is allowed to play up or down despite his skill level. How is your league set up in regards to upper tier players?

Think it's 2 C2 guys on D now :P if that helps any, lol. I don't mind having even higher ranked guys playing as most of the time they tone it down and the refs let you get away with a lot when playing against them. Plus, those ringers don't have much room to b!tch and moan when they are A leaguers playing noobs. Just hate the goalie free for all...I know there's a shortage but sometimes even when you having an outstanding night on offense, you still wind up getting shut out by a pretty average team.

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My league is team-entry only. We have A, B+, B, and C+ divisions. Most of the teams are where they belong, but the lower couple B teams are equal to the C+ teams. There was a team in our B+ divison that had played A the last few years and probably should have stayed there--they won the league by 7 points. Each team in each division has a few good players and most have a couple weaker guys. There's really no restriction on who plays in what divsion, as long as you're on the USA roster you're good, but it really hasn't been an issue.

We've got a few guys in my league that have agreed to calm down. I think it's helped all involved, pretty much each team has one. So far, I've only seen one guy turned away. He was extremely talented, he just couldn't seem to keep himself in check. I don't think he realized how good he actually was in comparison to the rest of the league.

I see you're in Michigan... where do you play?

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joshy207 - For the time being I'm playing Suburban in Farmington Hills. In the Fall I think I'm going to play at Troy on Fridays and possibly stay at Suburban too.


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...I fail to see the point. I get terrifyingly bored playing with the benders that always turn-out for Open Hockey - I can't imagine it would be much fun for decent hockey players to enter a division in which they won't be challenged at all.

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...I fail to see the point. I get terrifyingly bored playing with the benders that always turn-out for Open Hockey - I can't imagine it would be much fun for decent hockey players to enter a division in which they won't be challenged at all.

Here's the point. Not all of us are bored where we're at. Should I become bored I will have to reevaluate my situation. Until that happens (in a league that should be splitting into 2 tiers next season) I will keep aspiring to be one of the bored people.

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...I fail to see the point. I get terrifyingly bored playing with the benders that always turn-out for Open Hockey - I can't imagine it would be much fun for decent hockey players to enter a division in which they won't be challenged at all.

Some guys don't feel like men unless they score four or five points per game. Those guys are the ones that lead to the police coming out in riot gear for games.

On topic:

We have several divisions and players are supposed to play at the level their talent dictates. There are ringer forms to fill out if you feel a player is playing below their talent level. The problem now is with teams sandbagging and having them all play below their talent level.

A player can sub within his division an unlimited number of times during the regular season but can only play on his original team for the playoffs. You can also sub up to any level above you for a total of six games. It can be six for one team or one for six teams. Anyone playing down a level is suspended for a year.

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We've got 14 divisions (well 13 this summer since there weren't enough teams to fill out a 3A and 3B) and you aren't allowed to sub more than two divisions below the team you are on. No one above the beginner div, 8B, can play in 8B without permission from the league. The divisions are well balanced, I think we could probably expand the div's a bit, but anyway it makes for a good league. Players that are playing below their skill level are made to move up.

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Unfortunately our league only has enough guys for about 4 or 5 teams total. You get everything from former D1 college & junior players on the same team with beginners who can barely stand up on skates and everything in between.

We do our best to even it out but there's always one team that ends up loaded (never mine, lol).

I would give anything to be able to play in a league where everyone is roughly the same ability as myself. *sigh*

jeff you're in pittsburgh right? what rink do you play out of?

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I play in a draft league so its pretty even, everything from college club players and guys who just bought their gear. I kind of like playing with higher level guys because it makes you better.

I have been in leagues like Chadd mentioned where there are guys going for the mythical Art Ross for beer leaguers and that gets old.

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Well this is Euless, so if your issues are at a Dr. Pepper Star Center, it's because Keith Andresen doesn't care about such problems. Even though it comes up every season and many, many times during the season.

Naa I'm at Farmers Branch. As I understand you're about to inherit our old coordinator. I guess he mucked things up in FB and they decided he should spread the fun. From what I see the DPSC's problem is not with the individual rink coordinators, but they guy they report to.

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Well this is Euless, so if your issues are at a Dr. Pepper Star Center, it's because Keith Andresen doesn't care about such problems. Even though it comes up every season and many, many times during the season.

Naa I'm at Farmers Branch. As I understand you're about to inherit our old coordinator. I guess he mucked things up in FB and they decided he should spread the fun. From what I see the DPSC's problem is not with the individual rink coordinators, but they guy they report to.

Not what happened. Tom is a good guy and Im sorry he got sent to Euless. Tom always seemed concerned about everyone, very approachable guy. If any of you have problems with him something I encourage you to approach him. The new FB guy is a little different, ex ECHL player, young, and has a crazy fast wrist shot. Im not sure he is all that approachable or cares about ringers in leagues. Who knows, but enjoy Tom in Euless.


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It's frustrating because a lot of these guys are trying to win Lord Stanley's Cup instead of fairly competing. I've got news, the Ducks won the Cup last night and they aren't give it up for at least another year.

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In CT we have 6 tiers. You are allowed to play 1 tier up or 1 tier down from whatever you're currently playing. IE: I play in tier 2. I can also play in tier 1, or tier 3...I do take advantage of that and play in tier 2 and 3. It's a good system, but not really enforced. You'll see tier 1 guys in tier 3 (they dominate, and have stickers on their helmets saying Tier 1).

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joshy207 - For the time being I'm playing Suburban in Farmington Hills. In the Fall I think I'm going to play at Troy on Fridays and possibly stay at Suburban too.


Labatt Hockey Detroit at Hazel Park. Our division played Wednesdays or Fridays. I also subbed in the Southfield over-30 league on Thursdays.

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jeff you're in pittsburgh right? what rink do you play out of?

I play in Hagerstown, MD. I grew up near Pittsburgh but have been down here for nearly 20 years. Might move back up there in a couple years.

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