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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the first eyelet

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Does it matter if you skip the first eyelet of your skates? You'd just be trying to tighten over your toe cap anyway, right?

Does anybody here skip that eyelet?

edit: To clarify, I'm referring to the bottom eyelet by your toes, not the top eyelet by your ankle.

(Also, I stopped lacing the top eyelet because someone recommended leaving it out in order to increase ankle flexion. Don't know if I'm a lot better now because of it, but now I'm used to it.)

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Done it in roller once when I bought laces that were too small, didn't notice anything different but then again I lace my skates loose in roller hockey anyway.

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I'm pretty sure its more important when your learning to skate and you need extra ankle support. After that whatever works and is comfortable.

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Tried leaving the top eyelet unlaced a few times, but never really felt comfortable. Got off the court on the next shift and laced them up..... sweet...

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I think it all comes downt to personal pref. Some boots are higher than others and dont require it. I have skated in Grafs 705's and G3's (lower cut boot) and always laced them to the top. My new S15's on the other hand I will not lace all the way up (higher cut boot).

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I could see this as a good fix for a wider forefoot other than going up a 1/2 size. Would it do any damage to the skate in the long run is the question?

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